A detailed, hands-on look at the Platform, from ProMAX. Shared storage, media asset management and archiving, all designed for workgroup video editing.
Apple Final Cut Pro X can do some amazing things. But, when you combine Final Cut with powerful third-party tools – a whole new world of productivity opens. This short video tutorial is the first five minutes of our in-depth tour and training on Final Cut Library Manager, from Arctic Whiteness.
Kyno is an easy-to-use media management, screening, logging, organization and transcoding toolset for anyone working with video content and still imagery. In this illustrated First Look, discover what sets Kyno apart from other media management tools. Larry really likes this.
EditReady is a fast, flexible, simple to use video converter and created by the same folks that created ClipWrap. This utility can help speed your editing, provide greater flexibility over clip naming, change the timecode of a source clip or simplify media management.
If you are looking for visually interesting ways to style, degrade, or spice up your images, Rampant Edit Essentials is a great place to start. Here is an illustrated review of the product.
A long-time weakness of Final Cut Pro X was its inability to easily move projects into Motion. Xsend Motion, from Automatic Duck, solves that problem. This is a detailed, illustrated review of this program.
A detailed look, with an audio sample, of the brand-new Shure MV51 digital microphone.
If you are a musician, know a musician, or enjoy listening to live music, you need to read this review. Larry Jordan looks at the Shure MV88 digital stereo microphone for iOS devices.
Delivered, maintained and updated via The Cloud, but stored locally, Red Giant Universe provides a wealth of high-quality effects and transitions in an easy-to-manage package at a very affordable price. A product review by Larry Jordan.
A first-look at ProStorage, long-term static-free cases for hard disk storage.
Step-by-step tutorials covering Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, Adobe Media Encoder and product reviews written during Dec. 2015 by Larry Jordan.
A detailed look from Larry Jordan at BRU PE, from TOLIS Group – software for archiving your files and media on LTO tape.
MovieCaptioner is low-cost, easy-to-use software for Mac and Windows which creates, revised and exports closed-captions to video. This product review explains how it works and what you need to know to add captions to your movies.
A detailed, illustrated review of PreRoll Post from Imagine Products.
A detailed product review of the Apogee Duet analog to digital audio converter.
A revised product review of HighPoint Technology’s RocketStor 6314A Thunderbolt 2 RAID based on changes made to the RAID in October, 2015.
In this detailed, illustrated product review, Larry Jordan looks at SoundSoap, from Soundness.
A product review of the NewTek TalkShow by Larry Jordan, based on eight months experience with weekly live broadcasts. (Updated 12/19/15 with new Firewall information.)
An indexed and linked list of all technical blogs and articles written by Larry Jordan during August, 2015.
A detailed review of the HighPoint Technologies RocketStor 3614A RAID. Given its current configuration, this is not a recommended unit. UPDATED with a promise of changes from the manufacturer.
An illustrated, detailed product review of version 2.70 of Final Cut Library Manager, by ArcticWhiteness.
Swoosh, from SUGARfx, provides a fascinating array of eye-catching visual effects that can be used stand-alone or in combination with text or other visual elements to bring life and energy to your next Final Cut Pro X project.
Spectrum, from Luca Visual FX, provides endlessly fascinating visual backgrounds and transitions for Final Cut Pro X, as Larry Jordan writes in this article.
A video compression speed test comparing Adobe Media Encoder 2015, with Adobe Media Encoder 2014 and Apple Compressor 4.2.
A detailed look at the new ClipMic digital from Sennheiser, along with MetaRecorder from Apogee. Article includes sample sound files.
Brief book review of: “The Filmmaker’s Guide to Digital Imaging” by Blain Brown.
A video compression speed test comparing the iMac with a Mac Pro using Apple Compressor and focusing on whether using multiple instances makes any difference. (It does!!)
A detailed video compression speed test comparing Adobe Media Encoder, Apple Compressor, HandBrake, MPEG Streamclip, Telestream Episode and Sorenson Squeeze running on a new Mac Pro and an iMac.
This is a detailed, in-depth speed test comparing Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014 with Apple Compressor 4.2 on a new Mac Pro, iMac and MacBook Pro.
A video compression speed test between a new Mac Pro, 21″ iMac and 15″ MacBook Pro when compressing video for YouTube.
A detailed, illustrated look at compressed video image quality as created by Apple Compressor 4.2.
A product review of how the 1 Beyond StreamMachine 17 (Pro) was used in live webcast production at the 2015 NAB Show for the Digital Production Buzz.
A review of the new Unity Intercom, an intercom system for iOS devices useful in broadcast, production, houses of worship and live events.
A summary of when it makes sense to buy a Mac Pro vs. an iMac.
A look at the new 5K iMac from the perspective of a video editor and trainer.
A detailed review of the Promise Pegasus2 M4 RAID system, including speeds, specs and suggested uses for video editing.
A review of Keywords, from XMiL. The program has a lot of potential, but still needs work. This review now includes feedback from the developer.
A detailed review of the OWC ThunderBay 4 mini RAID, including multicam test speeds in Final Cut Pro X and thoughts on what tasks this unit is best suited for.
A detailed look at how Digital Anarchy Beauty Box 3.x works using Final Cut Pro X.
A detailed look at PreRoll Post, from Imagine Products, explaining why the software is needed for LTO backup and archiving; and how the product works.
A detailed review of the 1 Beyond Copy Utility for LTO-6 tape.
A detailed review of the brand-new ThunderTape 2 LTO-6 tape drive from 1 Beyond, Inc.
A detailed product review of the new mTape LTO-6 tape drive from mLogic.
A detailed comparison between Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut Pro X.
An in-depth review of the G-SPEED STUDIO RAID, from G-Technology.
A detailed comparison between Final Cut Pro 7 and Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
An in-depth look at how to achieve the best performance when setting up a RAID for video or audio editing.
A detailed look at the new features in Adobe Audition CC (2014) and how they work.
A detailed product review of the new ThunderBay 4 RAID from OWC. This review looks at this storage system from the perspective of audio and video media creation and editing.
A look at Dolby Labs “Vision” – a way of improving video image quality by enhancing image bit-depth and color grading.
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