Blog Archives

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A look back at a hard disk from the late 1970’s compared to a brand new SSD drive. How far we have come…

Posted on by Larry

A montage of press releases covering media hardware and services released two weeks before the start of the 2018 NAB Show. This is an excellent illustration of the breadth and diversity of the media industry.

Posted on by Larry

The hardest thing for anyone creating stories for an audience is to think like your audience, because when we lose our audience, we’ve lost everything. Here’s an example.

I get lots of emails asking for advice buying “the best” computer. But you’ll need to connect it to a high-performance, high-capacity storage system to make the most of your media. Storage, more than any other component, will determine our success in editing the media of the future.

Posted on by Larry

A guest blog, written by Andy Marken, CEO of Marken Communications.

Posted on by Larry

Larry Jordan’s thoughts on challenges ahead for technology in 2018.

A look back at key trends and events in the media creation industry during 2017.

A behind-the-scenes look at Adobe “Make It,” including an interview with Creative Director, Erik Espera.

My thinking on Virtual Reality is evolving as I learn more. Here’s my latest thinking on something that’s new, creative – and there’s money to be made.

Posted on by Larry

At what point do we need to care about whether an image is real or not?

Posted on by Larry

Creativity is all about trade-offs, but that isn’t always bad. There are two “magic” triangles that I find very useful when describing creative work. One has been around for a long time, while the other I invented; I think. provides a world-wide marketplace for producers to meet voice actors. In this interview David Ciccarelli, CEO, explains who they are and how they work.

Thoughts on IBC 2017 – when is “game-changing” not a good thing?

Advice that I shared with a young filmmaker trying to decide how to pursue a film directing career.

Posted on by Larry

A tribute to a legendary video editing system – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 – as Apple is ending all support for it in High Sierra.

Posted on by Larry

How will video editors survive in an era when everyone owns video editing software? The answer is not in the tools we use, but in what we do with them; as Larry Jordan explains in this commentary.

Posted on by Larry

Announcing two new plug-ins from FX Factory, with comments from their developers.

Posted on by Larry

Lesspain Software updates Kyno to version 1.3. Here are the details on the new version.

Posted on by Larry

A new world of automated audio and video editing will soon be upon us. Here’s what you must know and do to survive as these tectonic shifts permanently alter our industry.

Posted on by Larry

In an era of rapid technological change, wisdom is recognizing that we are limited by what we know; we only grow when we are learning – as this blog explains.

Posted on by Larry

Does quality still matter in the age of social media? Why are brands turning themselves into media companies? And how important is the gear you use? A fascinating discussing between Larry Jordan and Rollo Wenlock, CEO of Wipster.

Posted on by Larry

Adobe fixes critical bug in Adobe Premiere Pro CC, urges immediate update. Here are the details.

Posted on by Larry

A summary of key announcements from Apple at the WWDC 2017 conference today that are of interest to media creators and professionals. Some very exciting stuff!

Posted on by Larry

An overview of what’s involved in having multiple audio or video editors share storage across a network. It is totally do-able, but you need to know what questions to ask and how the system works, as we explain here.

Posted on by Larry

Interviews with Denise Muyco (co-founder and CEO) and David D’Andrea (co-founder, CSO) about StratusCore – Cloud-based tools and storage for visual artists.

Posted on by Larry

An in-depth reflection on current storage technology: what works, what doesn’t and companies you need to watch; including links. Covers storage, backups, archiving, Cloud, and hybrid technology.

Posted on by Larry

Larry Jordan’s thoughts on the highlights and trends from the 2017 NAB Show.

Posted on by Larry

Apple made the unprecedented step of talking about products in development, its plans for its pro users and expressed regret that the Mac Pro has taken so long to update. Analysis by Larry Jordan.

Posted on by Larry

A collection of thought-provoking “Reasons for Hope” for media professionals in today’s market.

Posted on by Larry

Adobe is sponsoring a new “Make The Cut” contest featuring footage from Imagine Dragons’ “Believer.”

Posted on by Larry

Tim Cook was in the news recently. At last week’s shareholder meeting in Cupertino, Cook responded to questions about Apple’s commitment to professional users by saying: “You will see us do more in the pro area,” Cook said. “The pro …

Posted on by Larry

Earlier this week, the Consumer Technology Association put out a press release with a surprising headline: “Video consumption on TVs now equaled by consumption on all other consumer tech devices.” Here’s the lead paragraph from the press release: “For the …

Posted on by Larry

Larry Jordan’s thoughts and techniques on writing technical articles and reviews.

Posted on by Larry

As someone skeptical of 360-Video, my thinking changed dramatically after talking with guests on the Digital Production Buzz. Here are my latest insights.

Marketing and sales are different. And, without marketing, you don’t get sales. In this commentary, Larry Jordan shares his thoughts on what makes marketing successful.

Posted on by Larry

Last Friday, Apple released a new bundle of applications specifically targeted at educators and students called the “Pro Apps Bundle for Education.” Here are the details.

Posted on by Larry

StratusCore announces new Cloud-based service targeted at content creators. This article includes an interview with Denise Muyco, CEO and co-founder.

Posted on by Larry

A generation’s worth of history – lost in the mist – unless we figure out the answer to long-term archiving of media, images and our memories.

Posted on by Larry

AMD announces new graphics architecture at CES 2017. Here are the details.

Posted on by Larry

Thoughts on key trends during 2016 in business, distribution, hardware and software; from the point of view of video editing and production.

Soundly is a new, cloud-based sound effects service that launched Dec. 9, 2016. Here are the details.

After almost a ten year absence, Avid today announced that ScriptSync and PhraseFind are updated and returning to Media Composer. Here are the details.

Posted on by Larry

Last week, Digital Bedrock officially announced their new secure, managed digital preservation service in what they describe as a “hack-free architecture.” NOTE: You can read their introductory press release here. BACKGROUND Their website states: “Everyone has digital content they’d like …

A quick, illustrated look at the demographics of who is visiting

A commentary on the need to shift our thinking away from more pixels (greater image resolution) and into better pixels that are brighter and contain more colors.

Last week – Sept. 12, 2016 – I asked readers of my newsletter to take a survey on whether and how they were creating optical discs. Here are the results. SUMMARY The survey had 231 respondents, providing 230 valid answers …

An update on HDR technology featuring comments from award-winning Technicolor colorist, Tim Vincent.

Posted on by Larry

Executive Producer and Director, Maxim Jago, shares the five most important tips that he learned financing his independent film: “Jolie’s Garden.”

Posted on by Larry

A recent survey from SNL Kagan and Irdeto, highlights the 4K roll-out plans of service providers and provides intriguing insights on whether consumers will pay extra for it.

Posted on by Larry

A highlights tour of fascinating graphics products and 3D technology displayed at the 2016 SIGGRAPH event in Anaheim, California.

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