In it’s latest release (Dec. 2021), Adobe added some some, but significant, features to Premiere Pro that make text easier to find and graphics more flexible. Here’s an illustrated tutorial on what these new features are and how they work.
This morning, Adobe announced new features and updates for Premiere Pro, Character Animator and After Effects. Here are the details.
DaVinci Resolve is a high-power media editing program. It is also very intimidating to learn. Here’s an illustrated tutorial on how to use the tools in the Cut page to get started learning Resolve. The Cut page is designed for projects with deadlines measured in minutes. It is a very fast way to edit.
The latest version of DaVinci Resolve introduced the Cut Page, an interface designed for high-speed, fast-turnaround, editing. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to sync, edit and trim multiple cameras using Resolve’s Cut page.
The latest version of DaVinci Resolve introduced the Cut Page, an interface designed for high-speed, fast-turnaround, editing. In this short tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to add, modify and remove transitions applied to clips in Resolve’s Cut page.
Remix, a new feature in the beta version of Adobe Premiere and an existing feature in Audition, adjusts the duration of existing music to meet whatever shorter duration you provide. While not as flexible as Smartsound, this is a very handy tool. Here’s how it works.
Apple updated Final Cut Pro to version 10.6.1 last week. All the changes were bug fixes, but one change, that didn’t make the list, suddenly made Object Tracking useful. Learn more.
Recently, Adobe updated Premiere Pro to version 22 where one of the big new features is called: “Simplify Sequences.” In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how this feature works, the options it has and when it makes sense to use it.
Recently, Adobe updated Premiere Pro to version 22, where one of the new features is very mysterious – a hidden keyboard shortcut that can save you time – if only you can find it. Larry Jordan shows what this does, where it is and how to turn it on.
Accusonus has been improving audio for a long time. Regardless of where you edit your audio, ERA 6 can make it sound better. Here’s a look at the new ERA 6 bundle with automatic, customizable audio repair.
Yes, the new M1 MacBook Pro is very, very fast. But, the M1 did not win every race when tested against a 2013 MacBook Pro and a 2017 iMac. These twelve tests are a good comparison between performance benchmarks and real-world media processing of the improvements you can expect if you upgrade to these new systems.
New to the latest (v22) version of Adobe Premiere Pro is “Simplify Sequence.” This allows you to remove empty tracks, disable clips with specific labels, and remove markers, or other user-specified elements. Larry Jordan illustrates how this works in this tutorial.
Last week, as part of Adobe MAX, Adobe released a flock of new features and improvements to Premiere Pro. Here’s a summary of what’s new.
Recently, Apple updated Compressor to version 4.6, where a highlighted feature is automated Watch Folders. In this video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how these work and how you can use them to automate compression of video, audio or still images exported from any media application.
Recently, Apple updated Motion to version 5.6, where one of the highlighted features is a new neon text effect. In this video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how this works and how you can add an effect to make it look even better.
Recently, Apple updated Final Cut Pro to version 10.6 where one of the big new features is object tracking. In this video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how this works and how it compares to the same feature in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Watch Folders are an important new feature in Apple Compressor 4.6 that can speed your workflow. Here’s an illustrated tutorial on how they work.
Here’s an illustrated tutorial on how to use the new Object Tracker in Apple Final Cut Pro 10.6 to move text in sync with an element in the background. (Updated with improvement released with the FCP 10.6.1 update.)
Apple released new MacBook Pro laptops featuring high-performance Apple silicon chips. Given all the options, here are Larry Jordan’s recommendations for the best system for your budget.
The latest version of LTO – generation 9 – is now available. Storing 18 TB / tape, and archiving faster than generation 8, here’s a quick overview of the new version of archiving technology.
Adobe introduces Auto Tone in the beta version of Adobe Premiere Pro. Here’s a description of what this new automatic color correction tool does.
The revised speech-to-text transcription and caption workflow in Adobe Premiere Pro is fast, easy to use and, now. extremely useful. If you haven’t looked at the new options for Speech-to-Text in Adobe Premiere Pro, now is a great time to start. This one feature can save you hours.
“Ask Larry Anything,” is a free-form conversation about, well, anything you want to ask. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to export captions from YouTube, then what you need to do to convert them for import into Adobe Premiere.
“Ask Larry Anything,” is a free-form conversation about, well, anything you want to ask. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan demos the new Speech-to-Text transcript and caption workflow options in Adobe Premiere Pro.
With the July, 2021, update, Premiere Pro now supports text with multiple strokes and shadows. If you are creating commercials, action comics or anything where “eye-catching” is a job description, you’re gonna have fun with this!
Adobe adds speech-to-text and native M1 Mac support to the July, 2021, version of Premiere Pro. Here’s the full list of changes.
On July 8th, Apple released bug fix updates for Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor. These updates included no new features. Here’s the list.
Seagate and partner to provide “Smarter Media” – edge-to-cloud mass storage with a media asset management front end. This new service, named “Lyve” is designed to provide cost effective smart media solutions for real world applications.
Smart Collections are flexible, easy to create and very, very deep. I use them for almost all my projects – except the very simplest. Here are illustrated examples of how these work.
Last week, Adobe released a new beta version of Premiere Pro showcasing new import and export features and, more importantly, point the direction Adobe plans to take the software. Here’s what’s new.
Apple updated Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor last week and both Final Cut and Compressor got a flurry of new features. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to find missing media, including proxies, using a new search feature in Apple Final Cut Pro.
Apple updated Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor last week and both Final Cut and Compressor got a flurry of new features. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to reduce the file size of an animated image sequence. We do this without losing any video quality, by using indexed color and Apple Compressor.
Apple updated Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor last week and both Final Cut and Compressor got a flurry of new features. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to control what metadata is embedded into your movies during compression using Apple Compressor. This is a very useful technique when security or privacy are important.
New with the 10.5.3 update to Apple Final Cut Pro is the ability to create custom Browser column layouts, save them, switch between them, even share them with other editors. Here’s an illustrated tutorial on how to use this.
New with the 10.5.3 update to Final Cut Pro is the ability to quickly find missing media in a library. You can also use this technique to find clips by type: optimize, proxy and missing. This illustrated tutorial explains how this works.
New with the 4.5.3 update to Compressor are compression settings which simplify cropping and compressing square and vertical media. These new settings simplify the conversion of, say, horizontal media to vertical making it easier to repurpose existing assets for new uses.
Last week, Apple released updates for Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor. Both Final Cut and Compressor added new features, while all three applications saw significant bug fixes. Here’s the full list of what’s new.
New Pfieffer Report testing confirms Adobe software, running natively on M1 Macs, is far, FAR faster than the same software running on Intel Macs. Speeds are almost double. Read the details here.
With the May, 2021, update, Adobe improved captioning in Premiere Pro. New features include improved colors and more flexible trimming. This tutorial illustrates these.
Voice Changer, from Accusonus, is a plug-in for most popular NLEs that creates voice effects from robot to dragon. It is fast, easy to use and a fascinating sound design tool to bring the sounds in your imagination to life.
New with the May, 2021, update to both Premiere Pro and Audition is the Loudness Meter. The Loudness Meter displays average audio levels on an instant-by-instant basis and complements the Loudness Radar. Here’s how to use it.
New with the May, 2021, update to Adobe Premiere Pro, is the ability to add gradients to text. Here’s how this technique works.
New with Adobe Premiere Pro is the ability replace media in a motion graphics template. Here’s how to add media to a template, then change where that media starts playback.
Adobe updated both Audition and Premiere Pro in their May, 2021, release. Here’s what’s new.
Any M1 system is impressive, when measured in performance. What these new 24″ iMacs lack, though, is more ports, more RAM and access to 10 Gb Ethernet. These first M1 iMac systems are targeted at consumers and general computer users. While they can be used for video editing – even serious video editing – be sure you can work with their limitations before ordering a system.
Maxon announces new versions of Cinema 4D, Redshift for Mac and Moves by Maxon. They also premiere a new corporate logo.
Simon Says, an AI transcription and video assembly platform for video professionals, just released a workflow extension panel for Adobe Premiere Pro. While Simon Says has supported web-based transcription for several years, the news here is the Premiere extension. This …
Bryan asked me to explain the media workflow for both master and proxy files from’s “Camera 2 Cloud” into Final Cut Pro. It is surprisingly easy – provided you start in the right place.
Adobe has made continual improvements to the color grading controls and video scopes in Premiere Pro. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to use the new Comparison View in Premiere.
Motion Graphic templates now support “replaceable media,” placeholders which are added in After Effects when the template is created, that can be replaced with different media in Premiere. Here’s how these work. is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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