[ This is an excerpt from a recent on-line webinar: “New Features in Adobe Premiere Pro v22” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]
Recently, Adobe updated Premiere Pro to version 22, where one of the new features is very mysterious – a hidden keyboard shortcut that can save you time – if only you can find it. It’s called: “Reselecting Trim Points.” In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows what this does, where it is and how to turn it on.
New! The Hidden Re-Select Edit Points Shortcut in Adobe Premiere Pro v22
TRT: 4:24 — MPEG-4 HD movie
At Adobe MAX 2021, Adobe released a new version of Premiere Pro, along with updating most of their other media applications. (They also standardized the version numbering for all their video and audio applications on version 22.)
In this session, Larry Jordan showcases the most significant of these new features:
Adobe continues pushing the envelope of what Premiere Pro can do. In this session, discover what’s new and how you can apply it to your own projects.
This is an intermediate-level session. Some knowledge of Premiere Pro will be helpful, but not required.