Apple Fixes Bugs in Final Cut, Motion & Compressor

On July 8th, Apple released bug fix updates for Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor. These updates included no new features. Here’s the list.
FINAL CUT PRO v.10.5.4
- Improves stability when exporting with certain macOS Language & Region preferences.
- Improves stability when playing H.264 or HEVC media.
MOTION v5.5.3
- Improves stability when exporting with certain macOS Language & Region preferences.
- Improves stability when playing H.264 or HEVC media.
- Improves stability with certain macOS Language & Region preferences.
- Fixes an issue where a layer type could not be set when burning a DVD or Blu-ray disc.
As you can see, these updates, while important, don’t change the operation of these programs.
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