Apple Updates Final Cut Pro to 10.6.1
On Nov. 15, 2021, Apple updated Final Cut Pro to version 10.6.1.
All the improvements were bug fixes, as the list below indicates. However, one fix that was not mentioned is a significant improvement in Object Tracking. What was unusable in FCP 10.6 is now useful in 10.6.1.
Here’s an article that details the improvements in Object Tracking.
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Changes made in Final Cut Pro 10.6.1
- Fixes an issue that could prevent successful import of FCPXML 1.9 and 1.10 files.
- Improves performance when opening large libraries.
- Fixes an issue where the Command-Z keyboard shortcut would not perform an Undo if Language was set to Spanish in System Preferences.
- Fixes an issue in the Export File share destination where the Video Codec setting was unavailable after choosing Computer as the format.
- Improves reliability during playback of AC3 audio.
- Improves stability when removing audio effects in the inspector.
- Improves stability when opening projects from the browser.
- Improves stability when previewing effects in the Effects browser.
- Improves stability when dragging clip ranges to Keyword Collections.
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2 Responses to Apple Updates Final Cut Pro to 10.6.1
Do you suggest think it’s safe update to FCPX 10.6.1 and Monterey now?
I’m on a iMac Retina 5K 27″ 2020 with 64gb of ram
I updated to FCP 10.6.1 immediately. However, I’m still running Big Sur. Apple hasn’t released a .1 update for Monterey yet, so I’m in no hurry to upgrade.