Larry Jordan’s podcast, “Digital Production Buzz,” goes on production hiatus. Here are Larry’s comments on the break.
Unlike the past, technology is no longer improving our lives. It is simply making them more complex. This reflects on the impact of technology on society and media, with a look into the future.
A commentary on the danger of the growing trend of sponsored reviews and interviews.
A tribute to Norman Hollyn. Editor, teacher, and irreplaceable friend.
The Digital Production Buzz announces a partnership with to provide transcripts of all NAB podcasts.
Visual communication skills are no longer “nice to know;” they are a business survival skill. Content, creativity and quality are the touch-points to success, not only in filmmaking but in business today.
Along with the 2019 NAB Show, the Digital Production Buzz launches “NAB Insight,” presenting weekly thought leaders on how to succeed in an era of tumultuous change in the media industry.
The biggest news from CES 2019 was not a product or technology, but something no one talked about. Larry Jordan and Mark Harrison provide insight on a trend that could shake the financial underpinnings of the media industry.
Storage Visions 2018 opens soon. Here’s why you should consider attending.
Storage Visions is a two-day conference devoted to the latest in storage technology. As in year’s past, the Digital Production Buzz is a media sponsor for this event.
Thoughts on how to define what a “story” is and what makes it compelling to an audience.
Changes in technology are at the heart of major issues in filmmaking today. Larry Jordan shares more thoughts on this subject.
Descriptions and links to the best interviews for the Digital Production Buzz at the 2018 NAB Show.
Larry Jordan looks back at the 2018 NAB Show and offers his thoughts on the trends and products that emerged from the event.
A behind-the-scenes look at the setup, hardware and team of the Digital Production Buzz live coverage of the 2018 NAB Show. Cool, cool stuff.
Larry Jordan’s thoughts on challenges ahead for technology in 2018.
A look back at key trends and events in the media creation industry during 2017.
The new Apple File System (APFS) was released as part of macOS 10.13. It does great things if you have an all-Flash drive. But it should be avoided if you have spinning media or Fusion drives. Here’s what you need to know now.
My thinking on Virtual Reality is evolving as I learn more. Here’s my latest thinking on something that’s new, creative – and there’s money to be made.
Does quality still matter in the age of social media? Why are brands turning themselves into media companies? And how important is the gear you use? A fascinating discussing between Larry Jordan and Rollo Wenlock, CEO of Wipster.
An in-depth reflection on current storage technology: what works, what doesn’t and companies you need to watch; including links. Covers storage, backups, archiving, Cloud, and hybrid technology.
Larry Jordan’s thoughts on the highlights and trends from the 2017 NAB Show.
As someone skeptical of 360-Video, my thinking changed dramatically after talking with guests on the Digital Production Buzz. Here are my latest insights.
Executive Producer and Director, Maxim Jago, shares the five most important tips that he learned financing his independent film: “Jolie’s Garden.”
Larry Jordan’s announcement of new ownership for the Digital Production Buzz.
Highlights and thoughts from BVE 2016 – London. (Includes more on the developing HDR standard.)
Thoughts on recent storage and connectivity announcements from Western Digital and ATTO Technologies.
Protect yourself and your project. Know the rules and keep yourself safe. There’s more to flying a drone than buying one. This article will open your eyes.
Reflections on ad blocking software, great content, and figuring out how to finance a news-based, web business.
A blog on the expectations disconnect between buyers waiting for new products at lower prices and sellers needing revenue today to fund the development of tomorrow.
A commentary on the recent 2015 NAB Show.
I’m in London this week attending BVE 2015 – an industry trade show that draws about 15,000 attendees looking to get their hands on the latest technology. There are about 270 exhibitors here with a good amount of traffic at …
A series of highlights on what’s happening in the media industry two days before the start of the 2014 NAB Show.
I love live production, always have. It’s how I got started in this industry. There’s nothing like saying “Fade Up” with millions of people watching to truly focus your attention. My love of live production is one of the two …
In cleaning out my In-box as I dig out from the NAB Show, here are a small flock of completely unrelated thoughts; some from NAB, some not. – – – The week before the 2013 NAB Show, I had an …
Any NAB Show is too massive to be summarized in a single blog post. This show represents the current state of a multi-billion dollar industry composed of thousands of wildly different companies. I enjoy walking the halls just to learn about …
PART 1 of 3 – PLANNING For the sixth year in a row, our podcast – – is the official podcast of the NAB Show. During the event, which starts Monday, April 8, we will be broadcasting live shows, …
As host of the Digital Production Buzz for the last five years, I’ve interviewed more than 600 industry executives. I write this Thursday night from my hotel room in Las Vegas. The NAB trade show just ended and during the last four days, I interviewed more than 100 industry executives for The Buzz for our special coverage.
A first look at Adobe Audition CS6, and how the Digital Production Buzz is using it at the 2012 NAB Show.
The Digital Production Buzz is getting ready to cover the 2012 NAB Show in Las Vegas. Here’s an overview of what we are doing and the gear we are using for our coverage.
The Digital Production Buzz is covering NAB in-depth for the fifth year in a row – join us at for all the details.
This last week I was in London — at the Broadcast Video Expo in Earl’s Court 2 in Kensington, doing presentations and recording interviews. Here I share conversations with EditShare, ProTools, Lightworks, and AJA.
The latest Government Video Expo opened today in Washington, DC, and, as in years past, our podcast, the Digital Production Buzz, has a team of reporters covering the event.
Google threw a potentially huge monkey wrench into the world of online video when they announced recently that they would no longer support H.264 in their Google Chrome web browser. Just when the world seemed to be coming together around …
Our podcast,, is the Official Podcast of Digital Video Expo for the third year in a row! Digital Video Expo 2010 is in Pasadena, CA, from Sept. 28 – 30. We are creating three special programs – LIVE – …
We were deeply troubled to read this week in the LA Times of significant legal challenges to the First Amendment rights of a documentary filmmaker. Joe Berlinger made a documentary about Aguinda v. Chevron, a class action lawsuit filed in … is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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