In this short video tutorial, learn how to synchronize multicam clips using the new “audio sync” feature in FCP X, or by manually setting sync markers.
Three keyboard shortcuts you can use in FCP X to move a clip, a connection, or the playhead.
A short video tutorial illustrating the differences between opacity and blend modes. This also provides examples of the different blend mode categories and shows how to add texture to text.
A short video tutorial on creating a “grad filter” effect using gradients and blend modes inside Final Cut Pro X to enhance landscapes and other outdoor shots.
A detailed, step-by-step guide on exporting projects from Final Cut Pro X for Adobe Audition, then bring the master audio files back. This is an essential step in creating complex audio mixes.
This short video tutorial illustrates which fonts are best for video and which ones should be avoided. These “rules” apply to all video projects in all NLEs, on both Mac and Windows systems.
A tutorial on how to use the Tiffen dFX visual effects filters.
A secret, yet quick tip to make color correcting multicam clips in Final Cut Pro X a lot easier.
Two very powerful edits in FCP X are the overwrite and back-timed edit. This step-by-step tutorial shows you how these work.
A short tutorial on how to get high-frame-rate video clips to play back at the frame rate they were shot to create very clean slow-motion effects.
A caution to check preference settings before importing clips into Final Cut Pro X, with an explanation of why this is important.
This short video demo showcases Coremelt’s TrackX motion-tracking software for Final Cut Pro X.
Show how, where, and why to set performance and media preferences in Final Cut Pro X, v.10.1.
A step-by-step guide to changing project property settings in Final Cut Pro X v.10.1.
A collection of in-depth articles covering media management in the 10.1 update to Final Cut Pro X. This collection makes finding the information you need quick and easy.
A step-by-step guide to assigning, modifying, and searching on keywords in Final Cut Pro X. This tutorial applies to all versions of Final Cut Pro X.
A step-by-step tutorial on how and when to optimize media in Final Cut Pro X, vs. proxy or camera native media.
“Publishing” allows you to send Motion effects settings to Final Cut Pro X so that you can adjust a Motion template inside Final Cut. Sounds complex, but it isn’t, as this short video tutorial explains.
Final Cut Pro X can’t open Motion projects directly. But, using Motion 5, you can convert any existing Motion project so it will open and play in Final Cut Pro X. This short video tutorial explains how.
Rigs and widgets extend the power and flexibility of Motion into Final Cut Pro X. In this short video tutorial, learn how they work.
Secret insider tips to opening the right libraries inside Final Cut Pro X.
A step-by-step tutorial on how to trim connected clips, then how and why to convert them to a connected storyline for trimming in Final Cut Pro X.
A detailed video tutorial, hosted by Larry Jordan, explaining how to create new projects, import media and choose between all the different import options.
A short video tutorial on how to create libraries and events inside Final Cut Pro X (v.10.1).
A short video tutorial explaining how to copy or move events between libraries in the new Final Cut Pro X (v.10.1).
A tutorial on how to manage, backup and archive libraries, media and projects in Final Cut Pro X v10.1.
A detailed step-by-step guide to managing projects in the new 10.1 version of Final Cut Pro X.
A detailed step-by-step tutorial on working with libraries in the 10.1 version of Final Cut Pro X.
A short video that details what you need to know to safely update events and projects for Final Cut Pro X 10.1.
A detailed look at media management in Final Cut Pro X 10.1, with a special focus on updating existing events and projects.
An explanation of compression artifacts, and how to create test movies to make sure video images compressed with the best possible quality and smallest file size.
A short tutorial showing how to spell-check, find and replace title text in Final Cut Pro X.
A fast way to view the timecode of source clips in the Event Browser of Final Cut Pro X.
Hidden tricks to merge or cut connected storylines in Final Cut Pro X.
A review of new utilities for Final Cut Pro X that speed common editing tasks.
A step-by-step tutorial on how to share keywords between clips in Final Cut Pro X.
A step-by-step tutorial on creating a soft-edged wipe to a full-screen color in Final Cut Pro X.
A simple, but not obvious, technique for using compound clips to track interview guests in FCP X.
A step-by-step tutorial on how to use Auditions in Final Cut Pro X to quickly select the best version of a clip.
A very fast way to verify all titles are spelled and positioned properly in Final Cut Pro X.
Lots of details tips and techniques to keep your Final Cut Pro X editing system running at peak performance.
A video tutorial on a new utility for Final Cut Pro X that automatically generates the detailed content reports required at the end of many projects.
A video tutorial illustrating how and why to use the utility “Marker” with Final Cut Pro X.
A step-by-step guide to moving Final Cut Pro X Events, media and Projects.
A step-by-step video tutorial explaining keyframes and how to use them to adjust audio in Final Cut Pro X.
A quick technique to create subclips in the Event Browser of Final Cut Pro X.
A step-by-step tutorial on different ways to crop video clips in Final Cut Pro X.
A simple, step-by-step tutorial on how to make audio edits sound more natural by adding pauses without losing sync.
This article illustrates a simple keyboard shortcut sequence to export multiple files from Final Cut Pro X very quickly.
This video tutorial shows how to create shape masks and use them to adjust exposure levels within a video clip using Final Cut Pro X. is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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