Larry Jordan releases his tenth book: “Techniques of Visual Persusion.” This press release describes more about it.
Should we replace the terms “off-line” and “on-line” editor with “story-line” editor? There are compelling reasons to do exactly that.
What this experience taught me is that programming takes an idea, a philosophy, and makes it real. Every effective piece of software has a clearly-articulated philosophy of how to solve a problem behind it.
Thoughts on what makes a good mentor and how they help shape a career.
Visual communication skills are no longer “nice to know;” they are a business survival skill. Content, creativity and quality are the touch-points to success, not only in filmmaking but in business today.
Storage Visions 2018 opens soon. Here’s why you should consider attending.
Storage Visions is a two-day conference devoted to the latest in storage technology. As in year’s past, the Digital Production Buzz is a media sponsor for this event.
I’ve discovered, in working in the media industry, that there are a number of relationships that impact the work we do and results we create. Two of these are triangles, the third is a balance-beam. I first wrote this in …
One of my teaching assistants hopes to become a filmmaker after he graduates. Here are some of my thoughts on how to get a career started on the right foot. (Includes interview with award-winning director, Mark Toia.)
[ This commentary was written for the Digital Production Buzz podcast for August 9, 2018. ] I’ve been involved with technology all my life. Even when I was working in marketing, I was marketing software and explaining the benefits of …
[ Updated 7/6/2018 to correct some typos and add links to the interview between Mike Horton and Randy Ubillos. ] “A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.” This …
Descriptions and links to the best interviews for the Digital Production Buzz at the 2018 NAB Show.
A behind-the-scenes look at Adobe “Make It,” including an interview with Creative Director, Erik Espera.
Advice that I shared with a young filmmaker trying to decide how to pursue a film directing career.
How will video editors survive in an era when everyone owns video editing software? The answer is not in the tools we use, but in what we do with them; as Larry Jordan explains in this commentary.
In an era of rapid technological change, wisdom is recognizing that we are limited by what we know; we only grow when we are learning – as this blog explains.
A collection of thought-provoking “Reasons for Hope” for media professionals in today’s market.
Larry Jordan’s thoughts and techniques on writing technical articles and reviews.
Last Friday, Apple released a new bundle of applications specifically targeted at educators and students called the “Pro Apps Bundle for Education.” Here are the details.
The range of tools to create media is vast and becoming, um, vaster. How do you teach media creation to a young student who’s dreaming of Hollywood, but has a YouTube budget?
With graduations in full-swing, I want to share my thoughts on job hunting, interviewing and finding your next job. Technical skills are important, but only a part of the solution. These tips can help you find your next job.
A discussion between professional film editors about what you need to know once you land an editing job.
A commentary that students today don’t read, therefore they need training in the tools of visual communication to keep up and get ahead in the media-rich world of tomorrow.
Recently, at the Supermeet at IBC in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, I was asked by the show organizers to discuss: “Is Final Cut Pro X Ready For Professional Use?” In thinking about this topic, I realized that this answer is more …
Multicam editing allows you to see and edit multiple images at the same time. This last weekend, I completed work on providing both video training and written articles covering multicam editing in Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro. So, …
Passing thoughts on FCP X that don’t need an in-depth article. COLOR BOARD KEYFRAMING I got into a discussion recently on whether we can keyframe color correction settings with Final Cut Pro X’s Color Board. So, I went off to …
I posted a brief video on YouTube, “Polishing edit skills and books for editors & directors” in which I recommend some books about editing and directors. Perhaps because I was thinking about the recent release of my own book, “Final … is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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