Final Cut Pro X: Odds 'N Ends

Posted on by Larry

Passing thoughts on FCP X that don’t need an in-depth article.


I got into a discussion recently on whether we can keyframe color correction settings with Final Cut Pro X’s Color Board.

So, I went off to do some research and discovered that the Color Board does not support keyframes.

The workaround is to cut a clip that needs a color correction transition and apply different color settings to each side of the clip. Then, dissolve between them. The longer the dissolve, the more subtle the color transition will be.

Keyframing would be nicer, but this will work.


Normally, when you right-click a clip, Event, or Project in Final Cut Pro X, you have the ability to move it to the Trash. At which point, if you change your mind, that trashed object can be found in the Trash and moved somewhere safer.

UNLESS you are working with network volumes such as Xsan or other servers. When you delete any file stored on a server, it is immediately deleted, not just moved to the Trash. This is normal server behavior for all applications, not just Final Cut.

So, in the case of media stored on a server, when you move a file to the Trash, FCP X immediately deletes it.

On the other hand, if the media is stored locally (rather than on a network server) the media will be moved to the Trash as you would expect and not immediately deleted.

NOTE: A fast way to move a selected object to the Trash is to type Command+Delete.


Final Cut Pro X took a giant step forward in its support for metadata associated with media and projects.

However, aside from keywords or favorites, there is no way to search, export, or print the metadata associated with a clip.


Control+P followed by a timecode entry – Jumps the Playhead to that specific timecode in the Timeline.

Shift+Q – Back-time the selected clip in the Event Browser as a Connected clip. Back-timing edits the end of a clip to the position of the playhead, or skimmer.

Shift+D – Back-time the selected clip in the Event Browser as an overwrite edit to the Primary Storyline.

Option+W – Insert a gap (default duration of 2 seconds) into the Timeline at the position of the playhead, or skimmer.

Shift+? – Play around the current position of the playhead.

Shift+Command+F – Display Timeline video full-screen.

/ – Play from start to end of the current selection.

Option+[spacebar] – When the skimmer is active, this starts playback at the position of the playhead.

Option+[ – Trim start of clip to the position of playhead, or skimmer, if active.

Option+] – Trim end of clip to the position of playhead, or skimmer, if active.

It’s amazing the things you can discover when you read the manual….


One Response to Final Cut Pro X: Odds 'N Ends

  1. Good read, I’d like to share my keyboard shortcuts too.

    While playing around customising keyboard shortcuts, I wanted to figure out a much faster way to place just the video or audio portions of a clip onto the timeline without going through selecting video only or audio only before making the edit.

    So this is what I’ve done.

    I use Control key as my video only button, and Option as audio only button.

    For example, to append just the video on the timeline, I’d use Control + E.

    For me this works really well, particularly with Connected clips when you just want to add B-Roll without the sound, I’d use Control + Q and then once I’m done with the edit, if I want to I’d separate the video and audio on primary track and then bring the connected clips down to primary track.

    If you want to take it further for example, you could make Shift + Control + Q to Back-time the selected clip as video only as a Connected clip.

    Hope that makes sense.

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