A video tutorial on the amazing SliceX and TrackX, published by Coremelt.
A short video tutorial on how to use Producer’s Best Friend from Intelligent Assistance in Final Cut Pro X.
A tutorial on how to use the Tiffen dFX visual effects filters.
A detailed review of the new music plug-in from Smartsound that connects with either Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
A detailed review of “Final Cut Library Manager” from Arctic Whiteness.
This short video demo showcases Coremelt’s TrackX motion-tracking software for Final Cut Pro X.
A first-look at a new Adobe Premier Pro CC extension from Pond5 that simplifies finding, editing and conforming stock footage — all inside Premiere itself.
A review of new utilities for Final Cut Pro X that speed common editing tasks.
A video tutorial on a new utility for Final Cut Pro X that automatically generates the detailed content reports required at the end of many projects.
A video tutorial illustrating how and why to use the utility “Marker” with Final Cut Pro X.
A better way to sync double-system sound with video using PluralEyes 3 from Red Giant Software.
MotionVFX mFlare creates a dazzling array of lens flare effects, which can be used as is, or modified extensively.
SliceX with mocha is a new plug-in from CoreMelt that can solve a variety of rotoscoping problems in Final Cut Pro X.
Unveil, by Zynaptiq, removes unwanted reverb from audio clips. This article shows how it works.
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