Blog Archives

Posted on by Larry

An overview of how Final Cut Pro X manages render files and how to delete them at the end of a project.

Posted on by Larry

A step-by-step guide to moving Final Cut Pro X Events, media and Projects.

Posted on by Larry

This video tutorial shows how to move projects between Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Audition CC.

Posted on by Larry

A step-by-step tutorial on how to maintain safe video levels using the Video Limiter effect.

Posted on by Larry

A quick technique to create subclips in the Event Browser of Final Cut Pro X.

Posted on by Larry

A detailed video tutorial showing how to send files from Adobe Prelude CC to Premiere Pro CC.

Posted on by Larry

This article illustrates a simple keyboard shortcut sequence to export multiple files from Final Cut Pro X very quickly.

Posted on by Larry

A detailed tutorial on HTTP Live Streaming and how to compress video files for it.

Posted on by Larry

This twelve-step workflow organizes your editing to focus on doing critical tasks first.

This afternoon, at the 2013 Adobe MAX, Jacob Rosenberg, Chief Technology Officer and Partner at Bandito Brothers gave a presentation showcasing the history and projects of his full-service media company. Founded by two men, Scott Waugh and Mouse McCoy, with a …

Posted on by Larry

A commentary on how to pick the best video frame rate to shoot your project, with a look back at history.

Posted on by Larry

Some good tips to keep in mind when you are interviewing someone on camera.

Posted on by Larry

10 Rules to keep in mind when you are interviewed about technology products.

Posted on by Larry

EDL-X from XMiL Workflow Tools, creates EDL lists from Final Cut Pro X. Here is a first look at how this works.

Posted on by Larry

Steps for audio editing and sound correction in Soundtrack Pro.

Posted on by Larry

Loading clips into an Audio File Project, reducing noise, and handling audio files in Soundtrack Pro.

Posted on by Larry

Larry weighs in on the issue of selecting between the Animation codec and ProRes 4444, following a subscriber’s question regarding importing files into Final Cut.

Posted on by Larry

Not all software updates work the way they are advertised.This article describes an update approach you can use to make sure all software updates go smoothly.

Posted on by Larry

What makes for an effective technology teacher? What should we focus on? How do we avoid the “fear of the unknown” in our students? In this philosophical musing, I reflect on what I’ve learned about teaching technology for almost a decade.

Posted on by Larry

Confused by all the different video outputs on your deck? This article explains what they mean, what they do, and when to use them.

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