Blog Archives

Posted on by Larry

Changing the color of a gradient in Final Cut Pro X requires opening it in Motion and making changes. This article describes how.

Posted on by Larry

What happened to Background Sound in Final Cut Pro X?

Posted on by Larry

Alex Gollner has posted a new, FREE, effect for Final Cut Pro X — it’s an eight-point mask.

Posted on by Larry

The latest version of OS X — Lion — is now shipping. While many people are excited, I recommend taking a cautious approach to upgrading any systems that you depend upon for editing.

Posted on by Larry

One of the limitations of FCP X is that it only allows one sequence per project. Here is a simple workaround you can create that may do the trick.

Posted on by Larry

Cheryl Foster sent me an email recently asking about archiving.

Posted on by Larry

Mark Whalen sent me his thoughts on Final Cut Pro X that I wanted to share with you.

Posted on by Larry

Final Cut Pro X was released just over 30 days ago — seems longer than that somehow…

Posted on by Larry

Deciding whether to upgrade to Final Cut Studio 2? Read this short note first.

Posted on by Larry

Not all software updates work the way they are advertised.This article describes an update approach you can use to make sure all software updates go smoothly.

Posted on by Larry

Snow Leopard, Apple’s latest operating system, is not for everyone. But it may be for you. This article describes what you need to know in deciding when to upgrade your system.