Today, Apple announced the latest update to Final Cut Pro X. Following its announcement last September that the next major version of the software would include support for multicam editing and broadcast monitoring, this update delivers on that promise.
[Updated Sept. 21 with a few extra details and the link to the free trial.] [Updated with a link for the QuickTime update.] [Updated with more information on Roles, and clarification on Davinci and AutoDesk.] [Updated with clarification on XSAN.] …
One of the problems of being in the middle is that I can see both sides. I don’t necessarily agree with them, but I can appreciate their point of view. My blog this morning – Who’s Accountable – touched a …
… and it’s a jaw-dropper. Last week, Apple invited a few folks, including me, to a short meeting in Cupertino where they previewed the up-coming version of Final Cut Pro. While I am under NDA and can’t talk about what …
Recently, Apple released new updates for Final Cut Studio (3). Pro Applications Update 2010-01 is a revision to Final Cut Studio (2009). This update includes Final Cut Pro 7.0.2, Motion 4.0.2, Color 1.5.2, Compressor 3.5.2, Apple Qmaster 3.5.2 and Cinema …
Adam Connell, a long-time reader of my monthly Final Cut Studio newsletter, sent me the following: I recently downloaded and tried out 10.6.2 on my ‘experiments’ mac, a 17″ MBP 2009 edition. On exactly the same HDV and XDCAM sequences …
With the release of the latest version of Final Cut Studio, I’m already working on a detailed look at it for my next newsletter. However, that issue won’t be out for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, Bruce Nazarian …
My recent thoughts about the relationship between Snow Leopard and the next version of Final Cut Studio generated a lot of comments — especially on other forums. For instance, here’s an example from,13183,13183#msg-13183 Thanks for all your comments …
This afternoon, Apple released the latest version of QuickTime — 7.6 — which includes updates for encoding quality, reliability, compatibility, and security enhancements. Media improvements include better single-pass H.264 encoding quality, better playback of Motion JPEG content, improved AAC encoding …
This afternoon, Apple released updates to the following software: Final Cut Pro 6.0.5 Compressor 3.0.5 Color 1.0.3 Shake 4.1.1 Here is a link to the release notes: My suggestion is to wait a week or two before upgrading to … is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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