Final Cut Pro Assistant – New Utility for Final Cut Pro
The folks at Peake Professional Systems sent me a notice about their new utility called: Final Cut Pro Assistant.
One of the challenges of working with Final Cut is keeping track of all the different files it creates. Most of the time, Final Cut does a great job of managing everything. However, every so often, things go ker-flooey. That’s where this software can help.
Some of the tasks it performs include:
- Resetting Final Cut Pro (i.e. Trashing Preferences)
- Emptying cache files
- Removing unneeded Easy Setups
- Backing up all User Settings files
- Restoring User Settings files from backups
- Restoring additional Easy Setups
- Deactivating Final Cut Studio
- Configuring OS X for Final Cut Pro
Note: I just found out that this is Leopard-only (OS X 10.5). It won’t run on 10.4.
The program is shareware. You can learn more about it, and download your own copy, here.
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