A Great Source of Motion Info

Jesse sent me a note asking:

I am writing to see if anyone would be able to direct me to a tutorial online about creating opening sequences (like 20/20 style news openings) in Final Cut Pro or Motion (or another program, but preferably those two). The actual style is essentially logos flying around with animated visual effects in the background.

So I thought I’d share this with everyone. An outstanding resource for Motion tutorials is Mark Spencer’s www.applemotion.net. I’ve been a fan of Mark’s work for a long while and now you know about it, too.

Take a look if you haven’t visited recently.

2 Responses to A Great Source of Motion Info

  1. blondebasher says:

    How can I make a company logo transparent in FCPX or Motion

    • Larry Jordan says:


      Select the logo and adjust the Opacity value – this is in the Inspector in FCP X, or in the HUD in Motion.

      If you want to make the BACKGROUND of a logo transparent, that is best done with a luma key to remove black or chroma key to remove green (or any other color).


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