New Features in Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects (Jan. 2021)
Late last week, Adobe released a handful of new feature updates and performance improvements for Premiere Pro and After Effects.

Premiere now supports more high-speed frame rates.
Premiere Pro
- Timecode Support for Non-Standard Frame Rates – Added support to display and use any non-standard frame rate timecodes, such as 120fps, 240fps or VFR clips.
- Color space and Gamma changes – The default working space and Gamma curve is modified for all RED files.
- Performance improvements in H.264/HEVC encoding for Intel TigerLake processors.
Learn more.

Premiere and After Effects modified the working color space and gamma settings for R3D files.
After Effects
- New Lighting Correction in Content-Aware Fill – Handle lighting shifts in footage better with improved Content-Aware Fill. The new Lighting Correction helps you cleanly remove objects from footage where harsh lighting changes occur throughout the footage.
- Color Space and Gamma Changes – The default working space and Gamma curve is modified for all RED files.
Learn more.
As well, Adobe announced it will be updating terminology across Premiere Pro, After Effects and Audition to provide an inclusive toolset for all users.
Learn more.
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