How Changing Camera or Talent Positions Improves Images [v]

Posted on by Larry

[This is an excerpt from a recent on-line video webinar: “Illustrating Visual Literacy” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library.]


In a world where videos move millions and a picture is more powerful – and popular – than the written word, a key survival skill is how well you communicate visually. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how changing the position of the camera or talent, called “blocking,” can improve an image. This tutorial also illustrates the importance of the 180° Rule.


How to Position Actors and Cameras to Create Better Photos or Video

TRT: 9:00 — MPEG-4 HD movie



In a world where videos move millions and a picture is more powerful – and popular – than the written word, a key survival skill is how well you communicate visually. Visual communication and storytelling are now essential skills.

From creating presentations to posting videos on YouTube, your ability to effectively communicate your ideas depends, in large part, on your ability to master visual communication.

In this webinar, hosted by Larry Jordan, discover the hidden emotions and techniques of visual images and how to use them to attract, influence and persuade others.

In this session, learn:


This is a beginning-level course, designed for anyone that wants to learn more about creating visual images. This is not about using software tools, but the results you create with those tools.

Visit our website to see lots more video training in our store.

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