FCP X: Create Auditions [Video]

Posted on by Larry

Auditions are new with Final Cut Pro X. They allow you to easily compare an edit in your Timeline with different clips, or different takes of the same scene, so you can quickly decide which clip you want to use next.

In this short seven-minute video, I show you how to create Auditions, edit them to the Timeline, how to switch between clips and preview the results. Then, I’ll show you a little-known technique that allows you to select portions of different clips and insert them into an Audition.

Finally, you’ll learn how to do this using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts. Auditions can speed the process of deciding your next shot, as this video demonstrates.

NOTE: This is an excerpt from Webinar #76 on Cool Small Stuff in Final Cut Pro X. You can buy the complete webinar and download it now from our store or get all my training via my new subscription membership.

TRT: 6:45 — QuickTime HD movie

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2 Responses to FCP X: Create Auditions [Video]

  1. Gabe says:

    Thanks Larry for all your wonderful free tips!

    It looks like you only execute auditions from the event browser in this tutorial–is there a way to create an audition with two clips already in the timeline?

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