FCP 7: Customizing Blu-ray Disc Templates

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the September, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]

Alex MacLean sent this in:

We met briefly at your recent seminar in Folsom, CA.


Anyway, I’ve noticed a lot of talk here in the bay area and online about not being able to customize blu-ray dvd menus in FCPFCP 6.5, I mean 7, ha.


Well, this is not the case… They are in fact very customizable. So I figured, I’d send this link your way, since you probably get 10 whiney emails a day about this:




I have not had a chance to try this out myself since I don’t have FCS (3) yet, but I look forward to it.

Larry adds: This is a 40-page PDF document from Apple that:

Describes how to customize Final Cut Studio disc publishing templates in order to create a unique Blu-ray Disc™ experience beyond what is provided by the templates included with Final Cut Studio.


This document is intended for Final Cut Studio users, developers or support personnel that have some experience with development (e.g. HTML editing), are comfortable with editing Property List (XML) files, and have some understanding of the concept of video encoding, e.g. that MPEG-2 and H.264 are different video compression standards.

I have downloaded this, but not yet read it. Thanks, Alex, for letting us know.


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