Creating a Fast-Motion Clip
[ This article was first published in the April, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Karen Irvine writes:
One thing you didn’t touch on in your training is how to create a fast-motion clip.
Larry replies: There are four ways to change the speed of a clip:
- With a freeze frame
- With a Fit-to-Fill edit
- With a constant speed change effect
- With a variable speed change effect
To create a fast motion clip – sort of like a poor-man’s time-lapse:
- Create a new sequence and edit the clip that you want to turn into a time-lapse clip into it
- Select the clip
- Choose Modify > Speed
- Set the percentage to, say, 900
- This is too fast to play properly without dropping frames, so select File > Export > QuickTime movie
- Export the clip as a self-contained QuickTime movie
- Import that new file and edit it into your sequence.
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