Audition CS6: Create Buses and Sub-Mixes [Video]

Posted on by Larry

I enjoy writing about and teaching audio, because it plays such a big role in bringing video projects to life. Images appeal to the intellect, they show us what’s going on. But audio is a direct pipeline to the emotions; it tells us what we should feel. From the shaky breath of a scared actor to an uplifting score that sweeps us to the conclusion, audio connects to the emotions.

When it comes to audio, Adobe Audition is my new favorite tool. In this short, six-minute tutorial, I’ll show you how to create buses and sub-mixes in Audition CS6, and show you why these can make your mixing life a lot easier.

NOTE: This is an excerpt from a recent webinar entitled:  Audio Mixing with Adobe Audition. You can download the entire webinar here or become a member and access all my video training via my new subscription membership.

TRT: 6:17 — QuickTime HD movie

NOTE: This video will not play inside FireFox, please use a different browser.

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One Response to Audition CS6: Create Buses and Sub-Mixes [Video]

  1. Michael J says:

    Loved this mini tutorial, It helped a lot with my cpu usage problem. I kept entering all the effects onto the same track which was killing my cpu and causing adobe to freeze. Thanks again great tutorial and it was very easy to follow.

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