Apple Updates Final Cut, Compressor and Motion
Yesterday, Apple released minor updates for Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor; as well as their Pro Video formats. The new features primarily provide support for more video codecs, along with lots of minor bug fixes.
Bug fixes are always nice, I’m especially pleased with the work done to improve the stability of 3D text. The new versions require OS X 10.10.4 or later.
Here’s the complete list.
FINAL CUT PRO X (v. 10.2.2)

- Native support for Sony XAVC-L and Panasonic AVC-
- Intra 4:4:4 up to 4K resolution
- Import Canon XF-AVC 8-bit video files with Canon plug-in
- Export interlaced H.264 video
- Asset management systems can include a library backup file when sharing from Final Cut Pro
- Fixes render errors that could occur when using reflective materials with 3D text
- Improves stability when swapping materials on 3D text with published parameters
- Improves performance when loading text styles
- Motion Title templates with published text layout parameters now export correctly
- Fixes an issue that could cause 3D text to appear dark when rendered
- Addresses issues with timing on certain animated effects
MOTION 5 (v. 5.2.2)

- Fixes render errors that may occur when using reflective materials with 3D text
- Improves stability when swapping materials on 3D text with published parameters
- Improves performance when loading text styles
- Motion Title templates with published text layout parameters now export correctly
- Fixes an issue that may cause 3D text to appear dark when rendered
COMPRESSOR (v. 4.2.1)

- Fixes a crash that could occur after migrating a user account to another system
- Restores the ability to use markers for i-frame placement in H.264 exports
- Exports interlaced H.264 files
- Improves the audio and video sync of closed captions and subtitles
This update includes support for the following video codecs:
- Apple Intermediate Codec
- Apple ProRes
- AVC-Intra
- XDCAM EX / HD / HD422
- Uncompressed 4:2:2
This update also adds the following MXF support:
- Native import, edit, and share of MXF files with Final Cut Pro X and Motion
- MXF share presets for Compressor
- MXF OP1a export
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16 Responses to Apple Updates Final Cut, Compressor and Motion
Larry, They fixed the FCPX two-line text window so that it expands. It’s great.
Thank you Larry. Been with you for years since Linda days.. You are just getting better all the time.
Good luck with all your new ventures,
How does the 4:4:4 work? Do you recommend using it? And FINALLY! They fixed it so my Sony 4K camera can convert natively instead of using sony’s converter!
If your camera SHOOTS 4:4:4 video, then convert it to ProRes 4444. However, most of the time, you don’t need to and the files are huge. Most non-digital-cinema cameras will look fine converting to ProRes 422, or ProRes 422 HQ, depending upon the quality of your lenses.
Something weird happened in my recent FCPX update. My MacBook Pro is fully updated and i am running 10.10.5. I just updated to the latest Final Cut X 10.2.2 but my Final Cut still says 10.2.1. I found myself walking around today wondering to myself what is going on here?
Try reinstalling Final Cut from the App Store again.
If that doesn’t update it, contact Apple Support.
Thanks for this Larry, maybe I’m missing something but i thought the codecs were added the previous update?
This update includes support for the following video codecs:
Apple Intermediate Codec
Apple ProRes
Uncompressed 4:2:2
You are correct. These codecs have been supported by FCP X for a while.
What happened recently is that they were updated to support new variations within these codecs.
Thanks for getting back to me Larry
I thought we had MXF support from a few previous versions. Has something changed?
yes and no. MXF was supported in an earlier version. However, with this update, Apple also updated these codecs. What they did specifically, though, I don’t know.
Hi Larry, because I am posting an extended series that involves a lot of text, when the text window was reduced to two lines, I sent feedback requesting an expanded text window. To my delight, as FCPX 10.2.2 was released, I got a note from Apple indicating that my request had been addressed.
Apple DOES read the feedback! Life is much better with the expanded text window!
Thanks for your continued excellent instructional material. You and your team rock!
Wanted to thank you for so much great info. Have been able to launch into huge projects knowing I’ll find the answers to all my FCPX, motion and compressor on these pages. FCPX is the best editing software I have ever used, and I’ve been editing since the late 60’s. Best thing since montage!
One thing I’m have a bit of a problem with is, I can’t find the OP1a export setting in compressor. In Avid it’s in the export settings which I see is XDcam, does that mean the XDcam preset in compressor is in fact Op1a?
I will reply to myself. Next article down was excellent explaination of how to use op1a in compressor. Thank you!
Hi Larry,
My fcpx isn’t showing my mxf files from my panasonic varicamLT. It says it supports avcI 444, I shot avcI 422. the only files that show up on import are .mov files shot in prores. I can see my files in Resolve…
Any thoughts on how to get them into fcpx without having to transcode everything?
My first thought is that you are shooting an incompatible codec. However, this is a format I don’t shoot, so I don’t have any solid suggestions. I recommend contact Apple Support and see what they recommend.