A Fast Way to Remove a Color Cast in Adobe Premiere Pro [v]

Posted on by Larry

[This is an excerpt from a recent on-line video webinar: “Color Fundamentals in Adobe Premiere Pro” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library.]


Adobe has made continual improvements to the color grading controls and video scopes in Premiere Pro. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to analyze your images using the video scopes inside Premiere.


A Fast Way to Remove a Color Cast in Adobe Premiere Pro

TRT: 2:29 — MPEG-4 HD movie



Adobe has made continual improvements to the color grading controls and video scopes in Premiere Pro. In this first of two parts on color in Premiere Pro, we explore the basics of color and color correction.

Join host, Larry Jordan, as he explains the key concepts of digital color, then shows how to control it using the March, 2021, version of Adobe Premiere Pro. This session includes:

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