A Checklist for An Editing Project
[ This article was first published in the May, 2007, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Thinking about Growing your Business, Paul Chetirkin sent in the following question:
New producers often ask me to send them a checklist of questions that I need answered by them to get started on a project. However, I’m new enough at this that I don’t know what to send them. What do you recommend?
Larry replies:
Here are ten questions you can use to help get you and your producers on the same page:
- Who is the audience?
- What is the principal message?
- How will this program be used by the audience?
- What do you want the audience to do once they have seen this?
- What would make this a successful project for you, the producer?
- How do you intend to shoot this?
- What is the final delivery format?
- When is the deadline?
- Who has review and sign-off authority?
- Do you have a budget you need me to stay within?
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One Response to A Checklist for An Editing Project
Instead you should reach the venue a bit early than the scheduled interview time.
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I’m a big fan of dramedy, and Jenji’s known for dealing with seriousness and adding elements of comedy to it.