Blog Archives

With the release Tuesday of Final Cut Pro 10.0.1, Apple added the ability to import and export XML files. While not a direct benefit to FCP X editors, indirectly, this is huge. Let me explain why. Video, and film, editing …

According to MacRumors, and confirmed by two other sources, Apple is now offering FCP 7 (and the entire Final Cut Studio (3) suite) for sale. You can read MacRumors here. While only available on an 800 number – 800-MY-APPLE – …

Posted on by Larry

Is Final Cut Pro X truly the new future of non-linear video editing?

Posted on by Larry

Think about what YOU do – are you a Final Cut editor, OR are you an editor that uses Final Cut? Are you defined by the technology you use or the stories that you tell? So, let’s slow down and take stock. Apple has given us an opportunity to make a choice.

Posted on by Larry

Since Apple launched Final Cut Pro X last Tuesday, I’ve had more than 3,500 emails that range from “I’m enjoying FCP X and creating useful projects,” to “FCP X will destroy my ability to make a living.” (And, ah, far …

Posted on by Larry

There are about 85 emails in my in-box this morning with links to a speech I gave at the April Final Cut Pro User Group about my reactions to Apple’s presentation of Final Cut at NAB. While I stand by …

Posted on by Larry

A few days ago, I wrote about my frustrations in finding archiving solutions that work on the Mac for protecting our video assets. (You can read that blog here — some of the comments are VERY interesting!) The day after …