Blog Archives

Posted on by Larry

Over at, David Saraceno has written a new article on “Reinstalling OS X and Final Cut Studio the Right Way.” The first part of his series has been posted: “How To Create A Bootable OS X Firewire/USB Install HDD”. …

Posted on by Larry

First, Apple releases the hardware. For instance, until the iPhone was released, the best App in the world had no where to go. Next, Apple releases the operating system to support the hardware. Sometimes, in the case of the iPhone, …

Posted on by Larry

As we all know, Snow Leopard was formally announced and demoed at the WWDC conference yesterday. So, today, Andreas Schmidt sent me this question: Yesterday Apple announced Snow Leopard and Quicktime X. Do you know or have an idea if …

Apple today released QuickTime 7.5.5. In typical Apple fashion, all they said about this release was: “QuickTime 7.5.5 includes changes that increase reliability, improve application compatibility and enhance security. “This release is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.” My recommendation …