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Posted on by Larry

Here’s another technical question that came in recently. Sourabh asks: I am a huge fan of your newsletters. I see you mention in quite a few newsletters burning an AVCHD disc (on a standard DVD) using FCP 7 that will …

Posted on by Larry

After months of conversations, petitions, and negotiations, the International Digital Media Alliance (IDMA) has announced on their website that licensing costs for Blu-ray Discs are significantly decreasing. This means it is now much more affordable for independent producers to author …

Posted on by Larry

With recent online reports about the latest release of iLife not even mentioning iDVD, Apple’s continued interest in extending its download business to include both SD and HD movies, and the lack of native support for Blu-ray Discs on the …

Posted on by Larry

Bruce Nazarian, president of the IDMA, and I just completed a one-hour special report on the state of Blu-ray technology. We aired the show live yesterday on The BuZZ and posted it this evening. You can find it here: …

Posted on by Larry

To say that the whole Blu-ray Disc situation is a mess does not begin to describe the chaos in which the independent producer is caught. We can shoot HD. We can edit HD. We can output HD. But when it …