FCP X: Adding Video to a Shape

Posted on by Larry

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how to add video to a shape in Final Cut Pro 7. This proved to be my most popular article since the start of the new year with several thousand views!

While adding video to shapes is reasonably easy in Final Cut Pro 7, it is darn near impossible in FCP X. So, I decided to remedy that this week in my most recent webinar on Motion 5. Motion 5 is the effects engine for FCP X. Rather than write about how to create this technique, I decided to create a video tutorial.

The link below takes you to a QuickTime movie which is a five minute excerpt from my Motion 5 webinar that shows you how to add video to a shape using a combination of Motion 5 and FCP X.

To learn how to create custom generators, transitions, or effects for FCP X using Motion 5, click here to purchase the entire webinar.

Watch the tutorial video. (TRT 5:33 – QuickTime)

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3 Responses to FCP X: Adding Video to a Shape

  1. Hi, I work in the makeup department of Unik and they hired me to edit one of there videos. since valentines day is coming up i thought the heart was a cool idea but motion 5 won’t let me save to webinars it doesn’t even appear when i click save as and i have a free trail for final cut and its says nothing about webinars please help me the deadline is this sunday!

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