In FCP 7 and all earlier versions, this technique shows you how to use the Track Selection tools as a fast way to select multiple clips in one or more tracks.
The number one interface rule for Final Cut is “select something, then do something to it.” Well, I’ve discovered that virtually no editor knows what these selection tools can do. Which is a shame, because once you understand how these work, they can make a real difference in speeding up your work. This article explains how.
Here’s a simple technique to apply a filter to a portion of clip — then use the Slip tool to move it where you need it.
You can trim everything using the Arrow tool. But you can trim faster and more accurately using the Roll and Ripple tools. This article shows you how.
Here’s a quick little shortcut that just appeared in the latest version of Final Cut Pro that is almost impossible to find.
I was surprised to discover I haven’t written about this technique – I use it in almost every project I edit. Built into Final Cut Pro is a really fast, REALLY easy way to find keyboard shortcuts or menu items — if you know where to look. In this article, I’ll show you where. is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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