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Posted on by Larry

It’s late at night, you are wrapping up a project. Just when you think you can go home, you discover that your final export from Soundtrack Pro, doesn’t sync with your final export from Final Cut Pro. Grrr!! Now what? This article explains a very nifty technique that solves that problem in short order.

Posted on by Larry

Soundtrack Pro does not create audio CDs automatically, but you can still do so, if you know how. This article explains the steps. Also, Peter Neil, from the BBC, suggests another program that makes this process even easier.

Posted on by Larry

Soundtrack Pro allows you to easily make an insert edit and keep everything in sync. However, just because it is easy to do, does NOT mean it is easy to find. This article explains what you need to know to make it happen.

Posted on by Larry

Having problems with audio playing at the wrong speed? It may be due to mismatched sample rates. This article describes what you need to know, and to do.

Posted on by Larry

A while ago, I wrote about how and why to create submixes in Soundtrack Pro. While submixes can be used for reverb, a better way is to use Sends and Busses. This provides greater control and more flexibility than a Submix, but it is a bit trickier to understand.

Posted on by Larry

Submixes allow us to group audio tracks in Soundtrack Pro. This allows us to apply to adjust the volume, apply an effect, or create separate outputs for a group of tracks. Just as nesting in Final Cut Pro allows us to do things that we can’t using individual tracks, submixes provide the same opportunity to us in Soundtrack Pro. This article shows you how.

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