Appearing and Disappearing Files

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the March, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]

Lionel C. writes from Brazil:

I started to edit the film on my G5. All files where captured and stocked on external disks. During the shooting, I was de-rushing and filing the clips on the ext. disks thru my MacBook Pro laptop. Now, I connected the disks to the G5 and I discovered that a lot of clips are missing…


When I connect the external disks to the laptop again, all the files are there, when I connect them back to the G5, they disappear! And I can’t find them on the disks.


Also, when I move projects between computers, one of them says that it can’t open the file because it was created with a more recent version of Final Cut!

Larry replies: Lionel, thanks for writing, it is good to hear from you again. Sounds like you did not set your scratch disks properly during capture.

If files appear on one computer, but not on another, it means that some files are stored on the first computer. To check, go to [Home directory] > Documents > Final Cut Pro Documents. Anything in the Capture Scratch folder in your Home Directory should move to your external drive.

Also, you can share files between FCP 6.0.3, 6.0.4 and 6.0.5 — but nothing earlier. Your laptop is running 6.0.1 and your G-5 is running 6.0.3. Fortunately, upgrading 6.0.1 is free and available on-line from Apple.

My recommended versions for the current Final Cut are 6.0.4, or 6.0.5.



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