Round-Trip Projects Between Premiere and Audition for Audio Mixing [v]

Posted on by Larry

[This is an excerpt from a recent on-line video webinar: “Productions & Collaboration in Adobe Premiere Pro” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library.]


The key new feature in the April, 2020, update to Adobe Premiere Pro is Productions. This provides an entirely new way for editors to organize and collaborate across multiple projects using Premiere. It’s a big new feature, with lots to learn.

Join Larry Jordan as he goes deep into Productions, along with other new features, to show you how they work, what to learn, and what to avoid:

In addition, Larry illustrates a very fast round-trip between Premiere and Adobe Audition that allows you to use all the audio power in Audition for your Premiere projects – without wasting time or creating unnecessary files.

Productions are a big deal – this session shows you how they work.


In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry demonstrates a very fast way to move a project from Premiere to Audition for audio mixing, then back to Premiere for final output.


Round-Trip Projects Between Premiere and Audition for Audio Mixing

TRT: 7:25 — MPEG-4 HD movie

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