Apple Updates Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor
Apple today updated Final Cut Pro X (to version 10.3.2), Motion (to version 5.3.1) and Compressor (to version 4.3.1).
The default setting for System Preferences is to install all updates automatically. If you don’t want automatic installation, be sure to turn off Auto Update in System Preferences > App Store.
- Ability to add custom folders of audio files to the Sound Effects browser
- Using ripple delete on audio-only clips no longer disables the selected range
- Improves responsiveness when editing very long projects
improves performance when exporting H.264 files and changing frame rate
- Exporting ProRes 4444 files with transparency using Compressor crease a correct alpha channel
- Fixes an issue issue in which adjusting the line spacing of multi-line titles only applied to the first line
- Fixes an issue in which secondary storylines with mixed roles could overlap in the timeline
- Fixes an issue that could prevent burning Final cut Pro projects to DVD via Apple USB SuperDrive
- Improves stability when using multiple camera behaviors
- Improves performance when exporting H.264 files and changing frame rate
- Fixes a stability issue when the cursor rolls over markers during playback
- Fixes a stability issue when using the nudge keyframe shortcut
- Fade In/Fade Out filter is applied correctly when using distributed encoding
Disc name and titles are correctly displayed when using languages with double-byte characters
- Location paths are respected when using Compressor using Terminal
- Improves performance when exporting H.264 files and changing frame rate
- Exporting ProRes 4444 files with transparency using Compressor creates a correct alpha channel
- Fixes an issue that could prevent processing files using 32-bit codecs including Animation, PNG, Cinepak, and WMV
- Fixes an issue in which marker buttons on the Touch Bar may be displayed incorrectly
- Fixes an issue that could prevent burning Final Cut Pro projects to DVD using Apple SuperDrive.
All updates are free and available through the Mac App Store.
Any update that fixes bugs is welcome, but the changes to Compressor are significant because much of the application was not useable in its prior version. I’ll be doing speed and quality tests of Compressor in the near future and will keep you informed on how they turn out.
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8 Responses to Apple Updates Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor
Curious about how much creative control the new Compressor give in making DVD’s. I gather they didn’t give it full-on authoring abilities but how much can you do with menus and links in it?
The functionality in Compressor did not change with this version. So, once the bugs are fixed, the operation is the same as before.
Compressor is not a DVD authoring program. What it does do is allow you to burn a single movie to a DVD using a menu template and customized text.
Hi Larry
I was pleased to hear about the fixes to Compressor for DVDs so I decided to give it a try. I was able to create the Dolby Digital.ac3 and MPEG-2 for DVD.m2v files (before I was able to get a .img file. However, after burning the 2 files (ac3 and m2v) to a disk, it wasn’t readable. I tried outputting a DVD from FCPX and got a .img file that I was able to burn to a DVD that would play. Both FCPX and Compressor were updated with the latest fixes.
I did a message from FCPX saying, to the effect, the connection to the Super Drive failed. I sent a report to Apple.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll see if I can learn anything.
I had the same problem as Constance. The new Compressor has the Create DVD destination, and all the presets are already tweaked the way you have recommended But all it did was create the separate audio and video files and did not send it to the super drive to burn.
John S
Very important point to keep aware of with DVD burning in the updates. There is now a layer option when choosing Make DVD that wasn’t there before. It’s poorly implemented as any movie file or FCP project over 1 hour gets encoded for double layer DVD blanks if you leave the option at “automatic”. You will be unable to burn a single layer DVD after compression. It defaults to automatic so remember to choose “single” if the project is an hour or more. Burning BluRays doesn’t have this problem.
I also found it impossible to burn DVDs directly from FCP, even image files, from the first set of updates. Compressor was fine (except for the above) so I have been sending the projects directly to Compressor. I haven’t tried burning a DVD from the most recent update directly from FCP.
Well that is all great as I am still not getting either compressor or fcpx to burn a dvd correctly. The super drive burned one test pass with no sound. Then I got one to go with no Dolby but mono out of one speaker. And my Blue-ray burner only put out TS files. I am glad I found this tread as I was starting to think the disks were bad, as the first warning I got was that the disk could not be verified.
And the work around came out to. Render in 1920 x 1080 29.97 in fcpx. Share an export file to your hard drive or raid. Then spin up toast and start a DVD burn and drop the shared file into Toast. And burn the disk. I put it in my blue ray wide screen and picture size and surround worked.