UPDATE: Monday afternoon (4/8) our podcast, Digital Production Buzz, will interview Bill Roberts, Director of Video Product Management for Adobe. You can hear this interview LIVE at 2:00pm Pacific Time. Learn more at NABShowBuZZ.com This evening, Adobe revealed the next …
Multicam editing allows you to see and edit multiple images at the same time. This last weekend, I completed work on providing both video training and written articles covering multicam editing in Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro. So, …
This morning, Apple updated Final Cut Pro X, Motion, and Compressor, with a variety of bug fixes. Probably the bug fix that would be most valuable to many people – based on the number of emails I received on this …
The 10.0.6 release of Final Cut Pro X, earlier today, is probably the most extensive update to the program since its initial release; with the 10.0.3 release coming in second.
Last week, I was speaking at Postapalooza, at the Soaring Eagle Resort in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Spread across a series of spectacular fall days in the Midwest, surrounded by editors from all over the country who wanted to learn the …
Passing thoughts on FCP X that don’t need an in-depth article. COLOR BOARD KEYFRAMING I got into a discussion recently on whether we can keyframe color correction settings with Final Cut Pro X’s Color Board. So, I went off to …
Earl Nottingham got this idea started when he wrote: I’m sure you’re familiar with the CALM act which sets new standards for how loud television broadcasts can be (especially commercials). My question: What is the video creator’s responsibility (if any) …
This is a First Look at Autodesk Smoke 2013 – Pre-Release Trial 1. It explains the software, why you should care about it, and how to get started with the free trial.
To get right to the essentials, the reason behind the update is speed – and more speed. Sorenson showed me charts that compared the new Squeeze versus the old Squeeze and, depending upon the video format involved, speeds were 2 to 5 times faster than earlier versions.
Autodesk announced a major reworking of the legendary Smoke – “Smoke 2013.” This article provides highlights from the press event announcing the new software.
Apple provides a first look at coming new features in Final Cut Pro X to Larry Jordan.
A first look at Adobe Audition CS6, and how the Digital Production Buzz is using it at the 2012 NAB Show.
Apple updates Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Compressor. Here are the details.
There’s a segment of videographers that can easily migrate to the power of Final Cut Pro X: iMovie users. Let me show you how this works.
Today, Apple announced the latest update to Final Cut Pro X. Following its announcement last September that the next major version of the software would include support for multicam editing and broadcast monitoring, this update delivers on that promise.
For the last few months, I write several new articles a week covering Final Cut Pro X. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about what the program does and doesn’t do. My step-by-step techniques are designed to show you exactly how make the most of the program.
Improve the performance of your Final Cut Pro X system, and some common trouble-shooting tips.
[Updated Sept. 21 with a few extra details and the link to the free trial.] [Updated with a link for the QuickTime update.] [Updated with more information on Roles, and clarification on Davinci and AutoDesk.] [Updated with clarification on XSAN.] …
Some interesting news this morning. FIRST Apple has quietly notified developers that it is preparing to offer volume purchases for business customers via the App Store. MacNN has more about this. The significance of this is that volume purchases of …
Long-time newsletter reader and Final Cut Pro developer Alex Gollner (Alex4D) posted a blog late yesterday about a secret meeting between Apple and some of its enterprise customers in London. You can read the entire blog here. Here’s a summary …
[Image courtesy Apple Inc. Click for enlarged view.] Apple this evening provided a “sneak peek” at the next version of Final Cut Pro – now called “Final Cut Pro X” at the NAB SuperMeet in Las Vegas, Nevada. The new …
A year or so ago, I wrote about a problem of digital media slowly "evaporating" when a hard drive is powered down and stored on a shelf. You can read the first article here. The solution is to refresh the …
Sigh… In my webinar yesterday on Automating Compressor, I provided a link to an open-source X.264 codec which can be used with Compressor. The problem is I was linking to an older version. The current version of the codec is …
Yesterday, MacRumors posted that “Final Cut Studio Update Scaled Back and Delayed.” Naturally, this sent seismic tremors throughout the Final Cut community. (Personally, I’ve lost count of how many times one rumor site or another has cried that Final Cut …
Apple today announced a series of minor updates to fix a variety of bugs in Final Cut Studio (3). These improvements do NOT include full support for Snow Leopard, but do fix a variety of problems in Final Cut Pro …
UPDATE – Sept. 16, 2010 Yesterday, Apple updated Final Cut Pro to 7.0.3 which, among other things, fixes this problem. You can get the latest version via Software Update. If you are running an earlier version of Final Cut Pro, …
In a recent newsletter, I invited readers to send in their favorite iPhone apps for production or post. I thought you might be interested in some of their replies: Ian Hart I find Movie*Slate very handy as I often need …
Michael Cowan sent me a note earlier today that I wanted to share with you. He was having problems sending sequences from Final Cut Pro to Soundtrack Pro (STP). Since I do this all the time with my own projects, …
Just a very quick note – as it is now about 11:58 PM – that our podcast, the Digital Production Buzz is located on the trade show floor at the 2010 NAB Show as the official podcast. We are right …
Recently, Apple released new updates for Final Cut Studio (3). Pro Applications Update 2010-01 is a revision to Final Cut Studio (2009). This update includes Final Cut Pro 7.0.2, Motion 4.0.2, Color 1.5.2, Compressor 3.5.2, Apple Qmaster 3.5.2 and Cinema …
Adobe Systems has announced that they will be announcing ALL their new CS5 products on Monday, April 12. As a note, we will be covering their announcement on our NAB Special Reports, which you can hear as part of the …
Recently, Apple released an update to its ProAps frameworks. These are behind-the-scenes utilities that provide shared resources used by all the applications. The new revisions are available via Software Update. In Apple’s announcement, they indicated that one of the things …
Over at KenStone.net, David Saraceno has written a new article on “Reinstalling OS X and Final Cut Studio the Right Way.” The first part of his series has been posted: “How To Create A Bootable OS X Firewire/USB Install HDD”. …
I mentioned Tools on Air in an earlier blog post, but now I have an audio interview to go with it. Tools on Air describes itself as “A TV Station on a Mac.” Currently, they are only distributed by NMR …
I’m spending the week at Broadcast Video Expo 2010 in London (well, Kensington Square, if you want to be specific.) This is the UK’s largest show focused on video production gear. If you listen to the Digital Production Buzz tonight …
I’m getting ready to head to Scotland, England, and Ireland for a two-week series of Final Cut Studio seminars. (You can read about where I’m going and what I’m discussing here.) When I’m in London, in addition to speaking at …
Today, Apple announced its new tablet – the iPad. Which is great for watching videos, but not so great at creating them. For that, we still need laptops and tower computers. With that in mind, I’m up in San Jose, …
Adam Connell, a long-time reader of my monthly Final Cut Studio newsletter, sent me the following: I recently downloaded and tried out 10.6.2 on my ‘experiments’ mac, a 17″ MBP 2009 edition. On exactly the same HDV and XDCAM sequences …
[Update: July 15, 2021. Adobe discontinued Adobe TV several years ago. Today, I got a letter from the folks at Digiarty, makers of VideoProc, with a link to their article on why Adobe TV, and the Creative Suite software, died. …
Sorenson Media released Squeeze 6 today. Normally, I put product releases in the Latest News section of the Digital Production BuZZ website, but in this case, I have a bit more information about this product which I want to share …
I’ve been asked to speak at the upcoming Association of Video Professionals (AVP) conference – January 28 – 30th in Los Angeles. I’ve had the great pleasure of speaking to this group before and have always found them to be …
Apple announced a new video format, dubbed iFrame, specifically to improve the import and editing of HD images. Apple’s support site states: The iFrame Video format is designed by Apple to speed up importing and editing by keeping the content …
In an article posted to it’s KnowledgeBase, Apple announced: “The versions of Final Cut Studio and Final Cut Express listed below are compatible with Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard.” Final Cut Studio 2 Final Cut Studio (2009) Final Cut …
Several notes on compatibility with Snow Leopard that are of interest to Final Cut editors: * Panasonic P2 drivers don’t work with Snow Leopard. Some cards *may* not work either. Check Panasonic’s site for details. * Sony EX1 cards seem …
First, Apple releases the hardware. For instance, until the iPhone was released, the best App in the world had no where to go. Next, Apple releases the operating system to support the hardware. Sometimes, in the case of the iPhone, …
Apple recently posted PDF versions of the manuals for all the latest Final Cut Studio applications. You can find them here: http://support.apple.com/manuals/#professionalsoftware To see the latest manuals, scroll down into the list, don’t click the icons at the top. Also, …
Apple is making my life difficult. The latest release of Final Cut Studio is named Final Cut Studio. This is the same name as the release of Final Cut Studio with Final Cut Pro 5. Now I spent a LOT …
For some reason Apple decided not to create a printable manual for the latest version of Final Cut. Even more confusing, the help manual is on-line – which is great as long as you are connected. But, somewhat awkward if …
I installed the latest Final Cut Studio upgrade over the weekend and have been studying it since. Then, I read Scott Simmon’s blog this morning that caused a question to finally resolve itself in my head. The question I am …
With the release of the latest version of Final Cut Studio, I’m already working on a detailed look at it for my next newsletter. However, that issue won’t be out for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, Bruce Nazarian …
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