Apple Releases 10.0.6 Update to Final Cut Pro X

Posted on by Larry

While the world’s attention was on Tim Cook and Phil Schiller on stage announcing the latest Apple hardware this morning, engineers back at the main campus were busy updating Final Cut Pro X.

The 10.0.6 release of Final Cut Pro X, earlier today, is probably the most extensive update to the program since its initial release; with the 10.0.3 release coming in second.

Here is Apple’s announcement:

Here is a great initial review from Philip Hodgetts:

We are already at work creating new video training on all the new features – it will be out as an update to our existing Final Cut Pro X training later this month.


When I met with Apple at the NAB Show last April, they promised four new features would be added to Final Cut Pro X before the end of the year:

Apple delivered on all their promises with this release. And much more…

I’m looking forward to sharing all these new features with you in both articles and video training. For now, it is great to know that Final Cut Pro X continues to improve in ways that benefit all of us.


It is exciting seeing all the new hardware that Apple announced today. Keep in mind, however,  that the new gear does not contain internal SuperDrives and the iMacs don’t contain FireWire ports.

This means that for all of us with FireWire hard disks, we will need to get converters from FireWire to either USB 3 or Thunderbolt. I don’t have a recommendation for a product or brand, but I suspect these will quickly become available shortly after the new hardware starts shipping.

By the way, I am very impressed with the specs to the new iMac and will be adding the 27″ iMac  into our editing bays when it ships in December.

As always, I’m interested in your opinions.


21 Responses to Apple Releases 10.0.6 Update to Final Cut Pro X

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  1. Paul Kim says:

    Larry, if that’s what you’re referring to, the Firewire to Thunderbolt adapters are already sold by Apple. I have a couple of them and they work fine. Took a while for them to release them, but they’ve been available to order for the last month and a half or so.

    Can’t wait to try the update out.

  2. Dan Svoboda says:

    I noticed something really strange about dslr footage and 10.0.6. As a long time user of FCP 7 I offload my 5D by taking both the DCIM folder and misc folder and dragging it into a new folder on my raid. I numerate each card with 00x. So in effect i have backed up an image of what the card looks like. This allowed the Canon EOS movie plugin to bring the footage in through log and transfer. So this has always been my habit when it comes to managing media, and it hasn’t been an issue in X.

    But in 10.0.6 I noticed that if you bring files in with that card structure preserved it does so weird things. First, it reads the files as mpeg 4s when they are h264 wrapped as QT movies. Second, it only allows me copy media to the events folder, not reference. Third, it changes the name of the clips from MVI_xxx to the date and time that they were created. I found this strange.

    Now if you back up your media card without preserving the file structure i.e drag the movies where ever you want to store it, FCP allows you to both reference the media as well lead the MVI name in tact.

    I thought it was very weird and was wondering if in your network of friends had heard about this?

  3. Caesar Darias says:

    Multicam, preservation of I/O, dual viewers and chapter markers. . . Apple, now we can start seeing each other again, full time.

    Thank you to Larry and the other editing gurus who advised Apple to get their heads out of their rear ends.

  4. Caesar Darias says:

    I have to say that I’m really starting to enjoy working with FCP X. It’s fun. As Steve Jobs might have said, it does what it’s supposed to do. And it does it fast.

    Today I came across one issue that I hope will be addressed in the future. If you have to de-link audio and video, there is no indicator if they go out of sync. Perhaps that will be added in the future. I hope.

    Otherwise, I look forward to using X with one of the new super iMacs coming out next month.

    • Larry says:


      Agreed, the lack of a sync indicator bothers me as well. It is not in the 10.0.6 release, as far as I know. Hopefully, the new multitrack audio editing in the latest release will minimize the occurrence of loss of sync.


  5. Leo Hans says:


    One thing I don’t like (and I hope it’s going to be fixed) is that if you select to use proxies all the media should be in proxy.

    For instance: If you didn’t made a proxy for a file, that file will appear as “Media Offline”. (not even as “No proxy for this file”).

    And I don’t know why, but when proxy is selected, stills are too much compressed.

    I have sent feedback to Apple on this, but in 10.0.6 it’s not fixed.

    Leo Hans

  6. Alex says:

    Hi Larry,
    You say “improved sharing”. What do you mean by this? Can you now fully share the same media over a network using a server like say Xsan, San NP, Editshare, Facilis, or even Unity?

    And I know that there is some work around but I’m not talking about that. I’m asking if FCPX can now natively do that. As of now I feel this is the last missing feature to that is badly needed (well there is others like deck support but I can leave without those).



    • Larry says:


      “Sharing” is Apple’s word for “exporting.” The exporting options have been simplified, improved, and stream-lined. To the best of my knowledge – and I’m still reading up on all the changes, Apple has not changed the network behavior of FCP X.


  7. Alex says:

    Darn! Thx Larry.

  8. Andrew says:

    Hi Larry,

    I really appreciate your updates and I’m pleased to see the current version of Final Cut Pro X has features added which I was hoping for.

    Have you left Chapter Markers off your list of newly-added features or am I wrong in recalling I read somewhere that Chapter Markers were a new inclusion….??


  9. Shameer Mulji says:

    Hi Larry,

    I’m sure, like all Apple users / fans, you’ve heard of the major management shake-up at Apple. Being involved or in contact with Apple for many years, what’s your view on this? Good or no good for Apple? I could care less with Browett out but Forstall is another matter.

    • Larry says:

      I have not worked with either of these men, so I don’t have an opinion. However, based on how I read the stories, I’m not worried about the future.


  10. Drew Lahat says:

    If you have Firewire drives (and we all do):

    The Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter is obviously the simplest solution. If your drive also has an eSATA port, there are a number of eSATA to Thunderbolt adapters, although they’re not cheap.

    Consider just popping your hard drive out of its enclosure, and installing it in a USB3 enclosure. You’ll get increased performance (instead of being bottlenecked by FW800’s 50MB/s speed), and those enclosures cost about as much as the Apple adapters. For most external drives, the procedure is very simple. If you’re feeling uncertain, give it to your trusted geek friend and he’ll do it in 10 minutes 🙂

    • Larry says:


      The only problem with your suggestion is that only the very newest Macs support USB 3. Before popping any hard drives anywhere, be SURE your computer supports the format. Personally, I found the FireWire to Thunderbolt adapter works great for transferring the contents of a FireWire drive to a Thunderbolt RAID. And I was getting 85 MB/sec off the FireWire drive during the transfer.


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