VPNs are Not Enough

The folks at DH2i reminded me that October is “Cybersecurity Awareness Month.” (No, I didn’t know that either.) It was launched by the National Cyber Security Alliance and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2004 and dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of cybersecurity.

Don Boxley, CEO and Co-Founder of DH2i, included the following note with their press release:

“While VPNs have historically been the data access and security solution of choice, more recently they have proven to be less than reliable. In fact, research conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic — during which time ransomware and other malware become even more rampant — showed that of those already utilizing VPNs, 62% cited inadequate security as their number one VPN pain point. And a disturbing 40% of those responsible for keeping ransomware and other malware from penetrating their network, believed that in fact, it already had.

“It’s time to fight fire-with-fire and deploy data security and protection solutions that are as innovative and aggressive as the continuously escalating ransomware threat. This is why so many are now turning to software defined perimeter (SDP) solutions to replace their outdated VPNs. With SDPs, users can construct lightweight, discreet, scalable and highly available ‘secure-by-app’ connections between on-premises, remote, edge and/or cloud environments. Contrary to VPN design, SDP solutions were engineered specifically for the way we work, learn and live today, providing virtually impenetrable protection now and into the future.”

DH2i provides software that creates secure tunnels connecting remote users, on-premises sites and/or multi-cloud environments without requiring VPN software or appliances. Key points are:

If you need to securely integrate remote workers with your facility, DH2i is worth a look. Free demos are available. Pricing is not published on the web, but I’ve been told it is affordable for smaller production or post shops.

Website: https://www.dh2i.com

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