Sizing Still Images in DVD Studio Pro

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the February, 2011, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


Ryan Jacobi sent this in:

You’re always sharing very helpful info, so I figured I’d contribute something I learned today.


I’m putting together a DVD in DVD Studio Pro and had one image (a PNG) set for use for one menu and another (a TIFF) for another menu.


When I placed the PNG as my background (with the 720 x 534 x 72 dpi dimensions) it autosized for my 16:9 menu. When I placed the TIFF in, with the same dimensions, it did not fill the entire length and width of the menu — it left the picture centered without fully covering and exceeding the “action safe area.”


I changed the TIFF in question to a PNG and voila, the picture was autosized by DVD Studio Pro to fit.


Hopefully this will help someone dealing with a similar issue.

Larry replies: Thanks, Ryan. Nice tip.

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2 Responses to Sizing Still Images in DVD Studio Pro

  1. Paul says:

    Why can’t I access the February 2011 newsletter that refers to Sizing Still Images in DVD Studio Pro??

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