FCP X: Create Multicam Montages [Video]

Posted on by Larry

The new multicam feature in Final Cut Pro X provides a new level of flexibility in that we can now combine audio, video, and stills into a single multicam clip. This means we can use multicam techniques to edit still or video montages in real-time.

This is an excerpt from a recent PowerUP webinar on Multicam Editing in Final Cut Pro X. In it, I show you how to create, edit and trim montages – in this case using stills – using the multicam features in FCP X. (To do everything that I show you here, you will need version 10.0.6 or later.)

For a quick Multicam Cookbook, read this article. For a detailed article on multicam, read this.

NOTE: You can download the entire webinar here or become a member and access all my video training via my new subscription membership.

TRT: 7:59 — QuickTime HD movie

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