FCP X: Importing iMovie Projects

With the recent release of FCP X 10.0.3, a lot has been written about the ability to – at last – move Final Cut Pro 7 projects to FCP X. However, there’s another segment of videographers that can also easily migrate to the power of Final Cut Pro X: iMovie users. Let me show you how to move iMovie Events and Projects into FCP X.

Unlike all past versions of Final Cut Pro, the latest – FCP X – makes it easy to import an iMovie Project or just the media from all your iMovie Events.


An Event is Apple’s name for a collection of media. Most often, this media collection comes from a single activity – a performance, for instance. However, an Event can contain any collection media.

Importing the Event folder from iMovie into FCP X adds ALL the Event media from all your iMovie projects as separate Events in the Event Library of Final Cut Pro X.

The only requirement is that the media needs to be imported into iMovie first.

Here, for instance, I have two iMovie events. Since all Events are stored in the same iMovie Events folder, when I import these into FCP X, all the media from all the Events will transfer.

To import the iMovie Events Folder into FCP X, select File > Import > iMovie Events folder.

FCP X is smart enough to know what it has already imported and, if you’ve already imported media, Final Cut will only import the media that’s new.

After you click OK your iMovie media is imported into FCP X, where each iMovie Event creates its own Event in Final Cut.

This is a very easy way to bring ALL your iMovie media into FCP X.


However, you may not want to import all your iMovie media – perhaps you just want to bring in one project.

That, too, is simple.

Select File > Import > iMovie Project.

Final Cut immediately displays all your iMovie projects; these are stored in Movies > iMovies Projects inside your Home directory.

Select the project you want to import and both the Project file and all its media are imported into Final Cut, ready for you to edit.

Simple and fast.


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58 Responses to FCP X: Importing iMovie Projects

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  1. Jesse says:

    I just tried transfering my first Imovie project to FCP and it worked, kind of. All of the cropping of pictures and sound is wrong. Do I have to fix everything or did I mess something up in the transfer? Vid is 46min long, to big to try to fix each picture.

    • Larry Jordan says:


      Where are you seeing the problems – in the Event Browser or the Timeline?

      This sounds like the Project settings are incorrect in FCP X.


      • Jesse says:

        Timeline. I am not sure what settings to check or where. I am very new to FCPx. Thanks for your help.

        • Larry says:


          When you say “cropping,” do you mean the size and shape of the image has changed, or where two clips touch in the Timeline has changed?

          I’m having a hard time picturing exactly what the problem is.


          • Jesse says:

            Yes, size and shape of image has changed. To be more specific, I zoomed in on a picture using the crop setting in IMovie, now in FCP, the picture is still in the same crop setting but has not zoomed in to fill the frame. So, it is almost like the cropping effect is not working.

  2. Roxanne says:

    After I import the movies into FCP how do I organize them into year taken like they were in iMovie. Right now they are all their in one big lump. I tried to merge them but It didn’t do what I wanted. I like how in iMovie the main folders are by year then when you click on a year year it lists all the events you added to that year.

  3. Roxanne says:

    Ok Thanks. I looked at the link and it wasn’t what I was looking for. What I was specifically looking for and hope is in your article, is how to create the same basic organization that is in iMovie. Not sorting but organizing. I don’t want to have to scroll through 500 events from certain years to get to the year that I want. I would like to be able to click on a year and go from there (like in iMovie). I didn’t see this in the link you provided if it was there, however, sometimes I don’t see a simple solution when it is right in front of me. Regardless an article on the topic in general will be much appreciated.


  4. Roxanne says:

    I found it. Thank you.


  5. Joan says:

    Hi, I have finish one project using files directly from my sony card, but when I try to import the import line become white, so it doesn’t let me do it.Do u know what’s the problem?

  6. Billy says:

    I’m trying to import an iMovie Project into FCPx. Every time I do this FCPx crashes and closes. Any ideas on what I can do to fix this?

  7. JDC says:

    I also cannot import projects from iMovie without FCP X crashing. I am on the latest version of OS X and FCP X with a high spec iMac. Any ideas?

  8. greg says:

    Hi Larry
    I got a I movie project sent by mail to me.
    I can open it in FCPX and all the medias are OFFLINE.
    When trying to re link them, I select the right path, all the medias are there(same name etc) but FCPX tell me that files are different from the original project.
    Nothing had been changed and the project opens in Imovie 11.
    Any Idea how to link them properly?

  9. greg says:

    And it seems to have a trouble about audio…which I don t need as it s for a music clip…

  10. greg says:

    Sorry I found out the trouble
    I had to reconnect the events in Imovie11 before importing in FCPX
    Thanx anyway!

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