In this short video demo, watch as Larry Jordan shows how to use the Balance Color and Match Color tools to quickly fix color problems in your clips.
Here’s a preference setting and a detailed blog on how to improve color display in Adobe Premiere Pro.
In this short video demo, watch as Larry Jordan shows how use a Morph cut with green-screen footage to fix jump cuts in Adobe Premiere Pro.
In this short video demo, watch as Larry Jordan shows how to add and modify gradients to elements in Apple Motion.
This technique works as well or better than any other color correction technique I’ve seen in Photoshop in removing color casts. Best of all, it’s easy! (And, this also works inside Adobe Premiere Pro CC!)
The DataColor SpyderX Elite calibrates computer monitors for accurate color. It is easy to use, but has limited tutorial, limited help, and was not able to match colors between two monitors attached to the same computer.
How to retain the highest image quality when exporting media from Apple Final Cut Pro X.
Color temperature is the measure of the perceived color of white light on a scale from warm (gold) to cool (bluish). We work with it every day in lighting. Here are some interesting facts about it that you may not know.
Whether you work with Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Photoshop or other image editing programs, you can create unusual, captivating effects using gradients and blend modes. Best of all, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to use them.
This a very cool Mac utility that allows you identify any color on your screen, copy its values or color, and copy them into another app
Pro Color Monitor is an innovative way to enable editors to monitor and modify images with color problems without requiring a degree in video engineering, though it can use some work to make it easier to understand its display.
An illustrated tutorial on how to create, apply and delete effects presets in Apple Final Cut Pro X.
An illustrated tutorial on how to display Nit values for HDR projects in Apple Final Cut Pro X.
Raw files give us the most control over the color and gray-scale values in our image, but they create massively large files and require significant time spent color grading. Log files allow us to retain highlight detail. And LUTs allow us to quickly convert an image or clip from one look to another. This article explains what each of these are and how they relate to video editing.
This provides an overview of what High Dynamic Range (HDR) media is, where we are now, where we are going, how it works in video editing systems and links to learn more. Written for a video editor, not an engineer.
A very cool technique to create unique looks for your video using LUTs. This requires Photoshop and can be used in Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro X, or Davinci Resolve. You’ll like this.
With all these different high-end video formats, it’s easy to get confused. In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan defines and illustrates color spaces and LUTs; and how they apply to video media.
High Dynamic Range (HDR), RAW, sLog, vLog, HDR, 10-bit, 12-bit… In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to create custom LUTs for media in Adobe Premiere Pro using Adobe Photoshop. This is a VERY cool technique!
High Dynamic Range (HDR), RAW, sLog, vLog, HDR, 10-bit, 12-bit… In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to optimize preference settings in Adobe Premiere Pro to work with HDR media.
With all the different high-end HDR video formats, it’s easy to get confused. In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to use Range Checking to control highlights in both SDR and HDR media using Final Cut Pro X.
With all the different high-end HDR video formats, it’s easy to get confused. In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan shares tips on how to color grade HDR media in Apple Final Cut Pro X.
An explanation of the Broadcast Safe effect in Final Cut Pro X, what it is, how and why it is used and when you should avoid using it.
Significant announcements from Filmlight, Assimilate, Telestream, ColorFront, MTI Film and Grass Valley support Apple ProRes RAW.
In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows three different ways to correct a color blemish within the frame. This technique works in either Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
A detailed, illustrated look at the different media formats and shooting options with the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, along with recommendations for best editing in different NLEs.
In this video excerpt from a recent PowerUp webinar, Larry Jordan illustrates how to use the new Comparison View feature in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2019).
In this video excerpt from a recent PowerUp webinar, Larry Jordan illustrates how to measure and modify skin tones in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2019), along with a table presenting “normal” skin tone values for men and women in different ethnic groups.
The most popular articles published on for 2018, along with a few other key links you need to know.
Apple just released updates to Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor. In this short video excerpt, Larry illustrates the new Comparison Viewer in Final Cut 10.4.4.
An illustrated tutorial on how to use the new Comparison Viewer in Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.4.4.
This session looks at key new features in Adobe Premiere Pro, Audition and Media Encoder in Adobe’s updates for Spring, 2019. Join host, Larry Jordan, as he illustrates the new selective color curves in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
The changes in Premiere in this update are both pervasive and powerful; the new color tools in Premiere are especially welcome. This article illustrates all the new features in Adobe Premiere Pro for 2019.
A detailed, practical look at working with HDR media in Apple Final Cut Pro X (v.10.4). Guest article written by James Duke.
HDRinstant is designed to create HDR still images from video footage. However, the current version (v2.2.1) crashes repeatedly, the manual is poorly designed and the software, itself, needs work. Great idea, poor execution.
If you want to fix color problems faster and better, as well as improve the overall look of your media, this session gives you a host of new ideas, tools and techniques you can put to work immediately. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates how and why to adjust the gray-scale values of an image.
If you want to fix color problems faster and better, as well as improve the overall look of your media, this session gives you a host of new ideas, tools and techniques you can put to work immediately. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates how to use two automated color correction tools in FCP X: Match Color and Balance Color.
Answers on how QuickTime and Apple Final Cut Pro X display and process HDR video.
A quick, illustrated tutorial on how to either select colors using numeric values or sliders using the Mac Color Picker, which works in all applications.
A first look at iGlasses from Ecamm – a very useful utility that add visual effects and adjust exposure and color settings in the built-in iSight camera for all Macs.
Adobe introduced a number of new features in the April, 2018, update to Premiere. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates how to use the new Color Match and side-by-side display feature.
The new Color Match in Adobe Premiere Pro CC provides very fast color matching between shots with the ability to make manual corrections as necessary. This illustrated tutorial shows you how it works.
The number one thing we can do to catch a viewer’s eye is to make something move. In this short video excerpt from a recent webinar, Larry Jordan shows how to color and animate 3D text using lights in 3D space.
An illustrated explanation of new color controls added to the Color Wheels in Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.4.
At heart, a mask allows us to select a portion of an image. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates how to use a mask to determine the best way to fix a color cast in a video clip.
An illustrated tutorial on how to prevent illegal luma and chroma levels in both Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Apple Final Cut Pro X using the Broadcast Safe effect. This also explains why we need to use it.
An illustrated review of Luca Visual FX Light Kit 2, which runs in Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Apple Final Cut Pro X, and Motion.
Color correction and color grading is the final step in making our images look their best. In this short video excerpt, Larry shows how to use the new Hue/Saturation Curves to change colors of elements within the frame.
Color correction and color grading is the final step in making our images look their best. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to use the new color keyframe feature in FCP X 10.4 to create dynamic color changes during playback.
Apple updated Final Cut Pro X just before the holidays. In this short video excerpt from a recent PowerUP webinar, host Larry Jordan showcases the amazing power in the new Balance Color tool. Watch this, you’ll like it!
Apple updated Final Cut Pro X just before the holidays. In this short video excerpt from a recent PowerUP webinar, host Larry Jordan illustrates how to display and measure HDR images on Final Cut’s video scopes. is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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