An initial look at AudioFix Pro: For Video; an iOS app that cleans up poorly recorded audio on iPhones and iPads.
Shooting and editing are just the first part of the production process. If you screw up compression, all the hard work that went before is lost. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan explains how to modify audio compression settings for either music or voice.
Apple Final Cut Pro X simplifies the process of editing, trimming and adjusting multichannel audio. In this illustrated tutorial, I’ll show you how this works.
There’s nothing harder than struggling to learn a new, complex piece of software. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to set audio levels for a single clip, or a group of clips, inside Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
These two filters – one for Premiere and the other for Final Cut – can make your audio sound great without using keyframes and in a fraction of the time of setting levels manually.
You know you can improve the sound of your Adobe Premiere Pro CC projects if you mix them in Adobe Audition – but how? In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan tours the Audition interface and shows how some of his favorite audio editing tools work.
Auto-ducking in Adobe Audition CC is magical. What this does is automatically reduce the level of clips on a music track based upon the dialog clips above it. Here’s an illustrated tutorial on how this works.
If you are looking for ways to convert speech to text quickly, with reasonable accuracy, easy-to-use editing tools and multiple export options, SpeedScriber is an excellent choice. Here’s an illustrated review that explains how it works.
An explanation of audio frequencies, how they affect the Audio Enhancement tools in Apple Final Cut Pro X and how to make your audio sound better.
If you are struggling to understand how audio works, this session is for you. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan defines common audio terms and technology.
If you are struggling to understand how audio works, this session is for you. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan explains what multichannel audio is, how to see individual channels and how to trim it in the Timeline.
If you are struggling to understand how audio works, this session is for you. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan explains what double-system sound is and how to sync and edit clips in Final Cut Pro X.
If you are struggling to understand how audio works, this session is for you. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to use Roles to organize audio clips in a Project, then export specific audio using Share.
Roles allow us to group audio clips in Apple Final Cut Pro X without using buses or tracks. In this article I illustrate how I use these every week as part of my webinar workflow, as well as provide links to other articles showing how Roles work.
An illustrated review of the OnePlus Microphone Arm, for holding and positioning audio microphones in a recording studio.
Multicam editing allows us to see multiple cameras at the same time as we edit a show. This allows us to quickly compare shots and pick the best one for our story. In this short, video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to create and configure a multicam sequence in Premiere.
An illustrated tutorial on how to create templates in Adobe Audition to speed your workflow when creating repetitive audio projects.
An illustrated series of tips on how to select clips, improve levels and work with templates in Adobe Audition CC.
Multicam shooting records an event using multiple cameras. Multicam editing allows us to see all those images at the same time as we edit the show. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to work with multichannel audio within a multicam clip
An illustrated tutorial to the hidden tips and techniques to using markers inside Adobe Audition.
An illustrated tutorial on how to change the settings in the Essential Sound Panel in Premiere and Audition, along with instructions on how to move all the settings stored in the Master template between apps.
An illustrated tutorial on a new feature in Adobe Audition CC that really quickly separates multi-channel audio into separate tracks in the Timeline for editing or mixing.
An illustrated tutorial on using the new Convolution Reverb in Adobe Premiere Pro to copy the “sound” of a room into a separate audio file.
This is a short, video excerpt from a recent PowerUP webinar detailing the latest features in Adobe’s Creative Cloud updates. In this excerpt, discover how the Convolution Reverb in either Audition or Premiere, can match audio for interviews, ADR, or green screen work.
Adobe updates all their Creative Cloud media applications in their Spring, 2017, release. This is an illustration description of what’s new.
An overview of audio and video codecs, with an explanation of what they are, how they are used and how to pick one that works the best for you.
This video excerpt is from our six-part series looking at Apple Motion 5.3. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to work with audio clips in Motion.
An illustrated, step-by-step tutorial on how to move a project from Apple Final Cut Pro X to Adobe Audition for audio mixing, then back to FCP X for final output.
An illustrated tutorial on how to import audio and add audio fades in Motion 5.3.x. It isn’t hard, but it certainly is not intuitive!
An illustrated tutorial on how to apply and modify the Audio Enhancement settings in Apple Final Cut Pro X.
An explanation of average audio levels, how they are measured using LUFS or LKFS, how to monitor them in Apple Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro, or Adobe Audition, and what levels to use for your projects.
It is easy to get caught up in all the amazing technology contained inside Adobe Premiere Pro CC. But, sometimes, its worth taking a step back to look at how to accomplish those simple tasks that we know are there – somewhere. In this short video, Larry Jordan shows how and why to create an audio submix track in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
An illustrated example of what iXML audio files are, how they’re used in field production, and how they’re imported and displayed in Final Cut Pro X.
A first, in-depth, look at Audio Networks. High-quality production music with flexible licenses.
An illustrated, yet simple technique to fix audio levels that were recorded too loudly using Adobe Audition.
An illustrated tutorial on little-known tools in Adobe Audition that can simplify and speed-up audio mixing; especially for video projects.
A short, illustrated article explaining how to interpret the Amplitude Statistics window in Adobe Audition CC.
Audio Roles are a big, under-the-hood change for Final Cut Pro X 10.3. While not needed for simple projects, they are essential for complex ones involving multichannel audio or complex mixes. This article provides background and in-depth information from Apple.
Roles and role components solve a problem we’ve had for a long while on how to easily create and modify audio stems and simplify our audio mixes in Final Cut Pro X. This illustrated tutorial shows you how.
This short video excerpt illustrates the major changes to the Timeline Index and Roles to help organize, display, edit and mix audio in the new 10.3 version of Final Cut Pro X.
This short video tutorial illustrates how Roles can be used to organize audio files in the Magnetic Timeline in the new FCP X 10.3.
An illustrated tutorial on the new Roles and Lanes features in Apple Final Cut Pro X (v10.3).
A short, illustrated tutorial on how to save export presets in Final Cut Pro X.
Apple Final Cut Pro X can do some amazing things. But, when you combine Final Cut with powerful third-party tools – a whole new world of productivity opens. This short video tutorial is the first five minutes of our in-depth tour and training on the version 6 update to Smartsound’s SonicFire Pro.
An explanation on what’s really happening when you convert audio files between different sample rates, featuring comments from Adobe.
Adobe Premiere Pro CC does amazing things. However, when you combine Premiere with some of the powerful third-party tools – Premiere’s power is magnified. In this short video tutorial, learn how to connect SonicFire Pro directly into Premiere for immediate access to thousands of music clips.
Audio peak levels are not enough. We now need to consider average levels when editing video and mixing audio. This short, illustrated tutorials provides a quick orientation. (Updated with new settings.)
Just about every video editor wants to know more about audio, and just about every one of them doesn’t have the time to study audio repair and mixing as much as they would like. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates how to move projects between Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut Pro X.
Last week, Adobe released updates to all their audio and video software. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates the new Essential Sound Panel in Adobe Audition CC.
Last week, Adobe released updates to all their audio and video software. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan showcases the new dynamic link between Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Adobe Audition CC. is owned by Thalo LLC and is a part of the Thalo® family of websites.
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